The Walking Dead Graveyard: Season 3 Character Deaths
Milton Mamet
Name: Milton Mamet
Episode Introduced: Walk With Me (Season 3, Episode 3)
Episode Died: Welcome to the Tombs (Season 3, Episode 16)
Last Words: “I’m still here. I’m still alive. You need to hurry.”
The Governor is able to see through Milton’s lies when Milton claims to have not burned the zombies in the walker pits. Seeing this as a betrayal, the Governor ties up Milton and beats the crap out of him. But he then gives him a chance to redeem himself, should he choose to do so.
With Andrea locked up in a cell, the Governor orders Milton to kill her. Instead, Milton lunges for the Governor, but the Gov is prepared for it. Milton is stabbed in the stomach repeatedly, and left to bleed out and die in the room with Andrea.
The door is locked, and though Andrea manages to break free from her restraints just as Milton zombifies, he bites her on the neck. She then puts him down immediately after.