Lori Grimes

Name: Lori Grimes
Episode Introduced: Days Gone Bye (Season 1, Episode 1)
Episode Died: Killer Within (Season 3, Episode 4)
Last Words: “Goodnight love.”
While many fans considered Lori to be among the worst characters in the series, even the biggest of her haters would have trouble holding back tears when she dies. The breach at the prison causes her to go into labor, leaving little choice but to cut the baby out of Lori to save its life. This would obviously kill Lori, but it was the child’s only chance of surviving.
After saying her goodbyes to Carl, Lori had Maggie use a knife to perform a c-section right there in a prison boiler room. Baby Judith would be just fine, but Lori died pretty quickly after the birth. To ensure that she didn’t come back, Carl personally put a bullet in her head.
Later, Rick would search for the body, only to find that a walker had been feeding on it for quite some time. It was a gut-wrenching end for the character no matter how you felt about her.