The second episode, "Dislocation," follows the girls as they search for Mari in the wilderness. Meanwhile, in the present timeline, their adult selves attempt to move on after Natalie's funeral, but one of them receives an unexpected visitor.
Spoilers from Yellowjackets season 3, episode 2 ahead!

The second episode of Yellowjackets season 3 opens with Mari screaming for help as Coach Ben stares down at her in the underground spot. Mari fears Coach Ben is about to kill her, but he reassures her that he isn’t. After falling in the spot, Mari accidentally dislocated her knee. As she cries in pain, Coach Ben walks her through popping the bone back into place. Elsewhere in the wilderness, Shauna digs up her dead baby and buries him somewhere else. The episode then cuts to the opening credits.
Once the opening wraps up, we're taken to the girls' settlement in the wilderness, where they all gather around to discuss where Mari might be. They split into teams to search for her. Nat pairs up with Misty, while Tai and Van team up. Shauna chooses to stay behind, still holding a grudge against Mari, and Lottie prevents Travis from joining the search, wanting to speak with him privately.
Lottie gives Travis more mushrooms to take so that he can "connect" with the wilderness again. Though hesitant at first, he eventually gives in. Now, we're taken to the present timeline, where Jeff reminds Shauna about the dinner they have that evening with potential business partners he hopes to work with. Shauna doesn't really want to go, but Jeff is adamant, insisting that it’s important for their future. The doorbell suddenly rings, and Shauna goes to see who it is. It's Lottie, and she's been released from the mental facility. She looks much better, but she needs a place to stay.
Shauna immediately refuses, but after some convincing from her daughter, Callie, she reluctantly reconsiders and lets Lottie stay for the night. Elsewhere, Taissa walks into her house and sees Van doing karaoke. They're both in a cheerful mood after hooking up the night before. However, Van feels bad for dining and dashing. She tells Taissa she will go to the restaurant, pay the tab, and apologize to their server. They then start making out until Van accidentally steps on a glass and cuts her foot. Taissa tells Van that she'll deal with restaraunt situation while she goes to the hospital to get her injury checked out.
At Misty's house, Walter walks into her bedroom to give her food and liquids to help with her hangover. Misty then receives a call from Shauna asking her to come over. As she prepares to leave, Walter presses her about how Shauna and the others only reach out when they need something, questioning whether they’re truly good friends to her. However, Misty doesn't want to hear it. She brushes off Walter’s concerns, insisting that he doesn't know anything about their friendship and what they went through together. She continues getting dressed.
Back in the wilderness, Nat and Misty scour the woods in search of Mari while talking. Misty brings up Coach Ben, but Nat scoffs and curses under her breath at the mention of his name. This is strange, especially since the last time they were seen together in season 2, she and Coach Ben were on good terms. Elsewhere at the underground spot, Mari gets up off the ground and yells for Coach Ben to come rescue her. He returns, but he tells her to stay quiet before leaving again.
In the present timeline, Misty finally arrives at Shauna's house to find Lottie there. Shauna and Jeff explain to her that Lottie is temporarily staying at their house. Shauna also tells Misty that she asked her to come over to keep an eye on Lottie, as she doesn’t want her speaking to Callie while she and Jeff are at his work dinner. Although surprised by everything, Misty decides to help Shauna out.
Back in the wilderness, Nat and Misty are still trekking through the woods when Nat notices a trap. This is the same trap Coach Ben set in the first episode. She immediately panics and tries to stop Misty from seeing it, but Misty sees it anyway. Misty thinks the trap was set by Mari, but Nat tells her she doesn't think she did it. Nat looks very suspicious. Could she be protecting Coach Ben? I think so! Nat insists they leave the trap alone and continue on their search while a baffled Misty stares at her.
Meanwhile, Tai and Van search through the woods in search of Mari as well. During their conversation, it’s revealed that Nat once prevented the group from looking for Coach Ben, despite their belief that he was the one who set the cabin on fire. At this point, it’s clear Nat is protecting him. Suddenly, Travis's screams can be heard in the distance.
After taking the mushrooms, Travis begins acting strangely again. Lottie tries to get him to talk, but he keeps repeating that someone is coming for him and trying to get inside him. She attempts to reassure him, insisting that this "someone" isn’t trying to hurt him, but her words only make him panic more. Travis starts strangling her, and that's when Tai and Van intervene. Van pulls Travis to the side while Tai pulls Lottie to the other side. Lottie still tries to talk to Travis, who is crying on the ground. Tai tells her to stop bothering him, but Lottie tells her that everything is fine and that Travis is just learning to hear "it." We still haven't figured out this whole "the wilderness speaks to people" situation.
Back in the present timeline, Taissa arrives at the restaurant where she and Van dined and dashed the night before to pay the tab. The worker takes her credit card and tells her that she'll be back. Taissa then looks down at the counter and picks up one of the restaurant's business cards. As she looks around the restaurant, she sees a small memorial for the waiter who chased after them. She finds out from one of the workers that he passed away from a heart attack the night before. Oh no! That's why he was choking last episode. The worker she initially talked to returns, and she seems to recognize her now. Taissa grabs her card and quickly leaves the restaurant.
At Shauna's house, Callie enters the kitchen to see Misty and Lottie talking. She convinces them to have a sleepover with alcohol involved, but she has a hidden agenda. Callie is determined to learn more about what her mom, Misty, Lottie, and the other survivors went through in the wilderness. However, she knows Lottie won’t open up with Misty around. To get her out of the way, Callie secretly mixes a sleeping agent into Misty’s drink. She then asks Lottie if the rumors about them eating each other are true. Lottie, however, denies it, insisting nothing like that ever happened.
Meanwhile, Shauna and Jeff are at dinner with Jeff's potential business partners. He tries to convince them to work with his furniture company, but they're clearly uninterested and barely engage with his pitch. Shauna excuses herself from the table to go to the restroom. Back in the wilderness, Coach Ben helps Mari climb out of the underground spot. However, he restrains her with a rope to keep her from running back to the others and revealing his location. He then forces her to go with him somewhere.
In the present timeline, Shauna goes into a stall in the restaurant's restroom. As she sits on the toilet seat, she hears someone walk through the door before leaving. But before they leave, they turn off the restroom's lights. Shauna immediately takes out her phone and turns on the flashlight. She exits the stall and looks around but finds no one in the restroom. After turning on the lights, she hears a phone ringing. She looks around and finds a cell phone in one of the stalls. Is someone after her? Who could it be? Shaken but trying to stay composed, Shauna exits the restroom and returns to the table. Growing increasingly irritated with the business talk, she messes up the meeting for Jeff.
Back in the wilderness, Akilah approaches Travis, who is still visibly rattled. She tries to comfort him by letting him hold her duck. She then walks away, and Lottie approaches him. Travis tries to apologize for hurting her, but Lottie tells him it's okay. She tells him that what matters is that he's connecting with the wilderness. Frustrated with basically being Lottie's test subject, Travis lies and tells her that the wilderness doesn't want him and instead wants Akilah. Lottie then gets up and walks over to her.
Nat and Misty return to the settlement after failing to find Mari and part ways. As Shauna steps out of one of the teepees, Misty calls out to her. She tells Shauna that she believes Nat knows where Coach Ben is. Shauna asks Misty if she told anyone else, and Misty replies that she hasn't. Shauna then tells her that's a good thing before walking away.
In the present timeline, Shauna and Jeff arrive home to find Callie and Lottie watching TV together and Misty knocked out in the kitchen. Elsewhere, Taissa and Van talk about their days. However, Taissa purposely leaves out the part where she discovered that their waiter passed away. Later, a still drowsy Misty arrives home to find Walter repairing Caligula's cage. They argue about her friendships again before Misty kicks him out of her house.
The episode then shifts back to the wilderness, where Coach Ben has brought Mari to his hidden cave and offered her hot chocolate. After handing it to her, he walks away, and Mari hears him muttering to himself in the distance. Is he talking to the wilderness? Elsewhere, Shauna arrives at the burial site of her deceased baby and notices two sunflowers placed above it. Hearing rustling leaves, she calls out for whoever is hiding to show themselves. Melissa then emerges from the bushes. She's the person who left the flowers.
Melissa quickly begins pleading with Shauna, but Shauna isn’t listening. She grabs Melissa and shoves her against a tree, holding a knife to her throat. As Shauna threatens to kill her if she reveals the location of her deceased baby's burial site, Melissa unexpectedly kisses her. They pull away from the kiss, and Shauna looks at Melissa in shock for a moment before leaning in to kiss her again. As this scene plays out, another scene in the present timeline also plays out. In the present timeline, Shauna is shown calling the restaurant to ask if anyone claimed the phone she found in the restroom.
An employee tells her that someone did claim the phone. As Shauna asks what they look like, the episode then cuts back to the past timeline, where Shauna and Melissa are about to kiss again. Oh my! It appears Shauna's stalker is Melissa. Dun dun duuun!
Yellowjackets season 3 can be streamed on Paramount+ with Showtime right now.