A new episode of Yellowjackets season 3 is now available on Paramount+ with Showtime. Titled "Them's The Breaks," the third episode follows the girls as they search for Coach Ben in the wilderness. In the present day, Taissa grapples with hallucinations once again, while Van receives positive news about her health. Meanwhile, Shauna and Misty share time together, as do Lottie and Callie. Here's everything that happens in Yellowjackets season 3, episode 3.
Major spoilers from Yellowjackets season 3 ahead!

Coach Ben lets Mari leave the cave
The third episode opens with Coach Ben and Mari sitting in the cave, eating the remains of a bat. Mari attempts to flirt with him, but her advances are met with rejection as Coach Ben confesses that he's gay. Coach Ben gets up to leave when Mari asks for his leftovers. But as he walks back over to her, she grabs his can of bear spray and starts spraying him in the eyes. Coach Ben manages to grab the can and spray it back in Mari's eyes, and then they're both left temporarily blinded.
Once their vision clears, they sit in the cave, talking. Coach Ben voices his doubts, questioning whether everything they're experiencing in the wilderness is real. Mari shares a brief story before suggesting he let her go. She promises to fabricate a story about what happened to her and assures him she won't reveal his whereabouts. Coach Ben seems to contemplate her offer. In the end, he decides to trust her and let her go.

Lottie and Callie grow closer
In the second episode, Lottie and Callie bonded while playing a game of truth or dare during a sleepover. Although Callie initially used the opportunity to try and get information from Lottie about what she, her mom, and the others experienced in the wilderness, she ended up forming a real connection with her. That connection seems to deepen more in the latest episode when Callie secretly meets up with Lottie at a clothing store.
However, Lottie definitely isn't a good influence on her, as she encourages Callie to shoplift. Later that evening, they spend more time together, cooking and drinking wine. Shauna enters the kitchen and notices Callie wearing a heart-shaped necklace. This is the same heart-shaped necklace that Shauna, Lottie, and the rest of the survivors used in their sacrificial rituals in the wilderness. They used the necklace as a way to mark their next victim for death.
Shauna immediately starts freaking out and questioning Lottie why she would give Callie the necklace. Lottie tells her it just "felt right" before asking if she feels it too. She also reveals that the necklace never meant what Shauna thought it did. In a burst of frustration, Shauna rips the necklace off Callie's neck and demands that Lottie leave. This is the last time we see Lottie in this episode.
As mentioned earlier, Shauna and Misty also spend time together in this episode. Although Misty's boyfriend Walter doesn't believe Shauna is a good friend to her and has told her several times, Misty defends Shauna, insisting that their friendship is strong despite his concerns. However, she's proven wrong in this episode.
While heading to a store to pick up a gift basket for Jeff's potential business partners, Shauna's car has a mechanical failure, and she and Misty end up at a park. Shauna immediately starts yelling at Misty, blaming her for things she didn’t cause and speaking harshly to her. Misty, upset by this, gets out of the car and walks away. Later in the episode, she's shown burning a photo of her, Shauna, Natalie, and Taissa. It looks like she's finally fed up with being mistreated by Shauna.

Taissa and Van search for the No-eyed man
At the beginning of the episode, Van receives news from her doctor that her cancer has stopped growing and she may be in partial remission. She shares this positive update with Taissa, and they embrace. Taissa then informs her that the waiter from the restaurant passed away from a heart attack. Van starts freaking out, and Taissa tries to calm her down by telling her that she thinks the waiter dying was a sacrifice so that her health could get better.
This belief is rooted in the same mindset Taissa, Van, and the other survivors adopted in the wilderness. That if they give the wilderness what it wants, then it will award them. Taissa is convinced that the waiter’s death was the offering that caused Van’s health to improve. Later, as Taissa and Van cuddle on the couch watching TV, a commercial for "Ozzie's Homemade Ice Cream Parlor" airs, featuring the mysterious man with no eyes. This is the same guy Taissa saw when she was making out with Van in the alleyway in episode 1. Upon seeing him, Taissa begins to panic. She asks Van if she saw him too, and although Van didn’t actually see him, she tells Taissa that she did.
Convinced there's significance to seeing the man twice, Taissa gets up to put on her clothes so she and Van can visit the ice cream shop. Upon arriving, they find the shop closed but manage to break in. While exploring inside, they spot a fox running by through a window with a dead rabbit in its mouth. They then assume the fox is a sign from the wilderness that it wants another sacrifice.

The girls search for Coach Ben
After Mari leaves the cave, she makes her way back to the settlement. The girls begin questioning her about where she’s been, and unable to maintain the lie, she eventually tells the truth. She reveals that Coach Ben captured her and took her to a cave. Shauna asks if she remembers the cave’s location and if she can guide them there, to which Mari confirms she can. They then all head out except Lottie and Travis.
They eventually locate the cave and enter it. However, as they explore, they come across a section blocked off by a large rock. Nat then suggests they split up: Shauna, Van, and Akilah take the open path, while the others work on figuring out how to move the rock. Strange noises can be heard all throughout the cave. Shauna, Van, and Akilah finally make it to a section of the cave with open space, but then strange things start to happen. Each of them begins to experience some type of bizarre dream. In Van's dream, she finds herself in a cabin, where everything seems fine until a fire suddenly erupts.
Meanwhile, Akilah comes across some sheep and chickens in her dream. A llama suddenly appears and begins talking to her before she's pulled underground. In Shauna's dream, she finds herself swimming in the lake. She hears someone shouting and turns to see a young boy waving at her. He seems to be the older version of her deceased baby. She attempts to swim toward him but finds herself unable to move forward. She is then pulled underwater.
Shauna, Van, and Akilah are then all pulled into one dream where they are in a classroom with other Yellowjackets, such as Lottie and Jackie. In this dream, more strange things happen, like Shauna being brutally choked to death with a bracelet. The no-eyed man also appears in the dream.
The episode then shifts back to the real world, where Shauna and Akilah wake up in the cave, gasping for air. Suddenly, Coach Ben appears, dragging a struggling Van with him. He explains that a poisonous gas in the air is causing them to suffocate. Nat and Tai then appear, pointing a gun at Coach Ben and demanding that he come with them. Afterwards, the episode cuts to the credits.
The fourth episode of Yellowjackets season 3 is slated to be released on Paramount+ with Showtime on Feb. 28.