‘Star Wars’: Does ‘Rogue One’ Need Sith Lord Darth Vader?


With “Star Wars Day” here, and ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ getting closer with each passing day, its time to discuss everyone’s favorite agent of darkness, Darth Vader. Said to making an appearance in the upcoming film set before 1977’s ‘A New Hope’, Vader relation to the blueprint stealing story has fans divided across the world. So, does Rogue One: A Star Wars Story need Darth Vader?

In 1977, struggling filmmaker George Lucas created a world unlike any had ever seen; unlike any has seen since. With little money to make his passion project a reality, and 20th Century Fox being the only studio willing to take a chance (and a small one at that…oh ye have little faith), Lucas unleashed a fantastically wondrous film that would forever change the landscape of cinema.

The film was called Star Wars. Later re-branded as A New Hope, and told the tale of underdog Luke Skywalker, a young man with…well little hope, taking on an empire of impossible odds. With the force on his side, the youngling defied expectation and saved the rebels from near extinction.

I’m sure you’ve heard the story; I’m sure you know the legend… it’s true. The Force. The Jedi. All of it. It’s all true. A New Hope went on to spawn three sequels (and counting with Rian Johnson’s upcoming Episode VII), three lesser prequels (self-financed by series creator George Lucas himself), and countless toys, games, and television series.

Now, with Disney owning the property, the talk of the Tatooine town is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a film that’s said to depict just how of the rebels secured the blueprints to the death star in Lucas’ original classic.

With only months till the film’s release, fans have been questioning one very specific character decision: The inclusion of the greatest villain in the history of film, Darth Vader.

So should Darth Vader be featured in a film that takes place before A New Hope? I say that’s a resounding yes. Don’t think so? Let me explain my fellow Jedi.

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For starters, Disney, who is doing the same thing with their amazing Marvel Cinematic Universe, wants to build an entire world around the main series of films. The entertainment giant wants to create tales that take place in a world fully lived, only with highly imaginative characters.

While the film takes place in the past- and if that’s a correct decision is another argument for another time not so far far away- it would be insane not to have Darth Vader be a part of story that is supposed to realistically take place between Revenge of the Sith, the last film in Lucas’ prequel trilogy, and A New Hope.

Just like Kylo Ren is currently doing in the new trilogy, starting with last year’s The Force Awakens, Vader is the leader of the imperial army. To have the presence of the empire without Vader would be an awkwardly constructed missed-opportunity. I’m not saying he should be the main villain of Rogue One, but to not have him involved at all would be a travesty (Cinema Blend reports Vader be will be featured in holograms and on various screens).

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Also, and it truly pains me to say this, but the legendary James Earl Jones isn’t getting any younger. We all only have so much time on this beautiful planet, and while the man still seems to be in good health for his age, the actor was born in 1931 and older people have health problems. It’s just the way life is. So while we have the man with us, it would be almost moronic not the have that voice, the amazing legendary voice we all know so well, not to be part of another Star Wars universe set film.

That is, if the story is right. Here’s hoping Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has it all mapped out.

Love Star Wars? Can’t wait for Rogue One? Disagree with the inclusion of Darth Vader? Let us know what you think of the legendary Sith Lord being included in the upcoming film below, we want to hear all about it. May the force be with you Jedis.