Stephen Gevedon: The ‘Session 9’ Retrospective Interview

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The Future of Gevedon

Stephen Gevedon – Madoff – Courtesy of Lincoln Square Productions

1428 Elm:  Do you plan on writing more screenplays in the future? 

SG: I’ve got two horror movie scripts done and I am looking to set them up. Both are similar to Session 9 in that they play with what is real and what is in the mind. And what, in fact, “reality” is to you or someone else and if that is, in fact, the same thing.

They are both character driven pictures.  I am about to embark on another horror movie that takes place in New Orleans in collaboration with a friend who is a big fan of ghosts and spooky stuff as a hobby. She’s also a great musician.

But as it relates to this interview, she has this ghost/paranormal blog/podcast on line thingy (Songs and Ghosts on Facebook).  I can’t really talk about the picture because I haven’t written it yet but I’m sure it will touch upon a lot of the same themes of psychology, paranormal activity, reality, dreams, nightmares blah blah…

1428 Elm: What advice can you give an aspiring filmmaker or screenwriter? 

SG: Other than do it. Not much. Don’t go to film school. Or take a class on screenwriting or writing or anything for that matter.

Stay young and naive and open. But really just get in to the business of making a movie. Either do it yourself or become a PA and work in the industry. Like the man says “Get stuck in.”


Stephen Gevedon – The Deuce – Courtesy of HBO

1428 Elm: On the acting side of your career, I know that you are currently in The Deuce with James Franco on HBO. You also have Drunk Parents with Alec Baldwin and Salma Hayek on the horizon. When will that film be released?

SG: No clue about Drunk Parents. But that was fun. I got to work with both Alec and Salma and Treat Williams for a day on that.

Everybody was very sweet. I got Alec to do his Burt Lancaster impersonation. That kinda stuff is the best.

1428 Elm: Do you have any upcoming acting projects that you can talk about?

SG: Well, The Deuce just got picked up and I hope to be able to contribute in a bigger way in the second season. David Simon and I worked together on Show Me a Hero and I’ve always admired his work so this opportunity to work together again is truly lovely.

And the fact that The Deuce takes place in the neighborhood I grew up in during the time I grew up in it makes it even more special on a personal note. In the meantime, I’m trying to set up this horror movie I wrote set during WW II.*

Session 9 is a truly terrifying psychological horror flick. For those of you that haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it for Halloween viewing. It is definitely a chilling thriller.

Next: Bruce Campbell Interview: Evil Dead hero more than blood and boomsticks

Have you seen Session 9? What did you think of it? Feel free to let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. We want to know what you think!