The X-Files: Chris Carter drops hot season 11 sneak peak

The X Files is in production for season eleven and show creator Chris Carter gives fans a sneak peek inside Mulder and Scully’s world.

“Shippers were heard.” – Chris Carter

Even When the World Was Falling Apart, You Were My Constant… My Touchstone

X Files – David Duchovny – Gillian Anderson – Courtesy of Robert Falconer – Fox- Entertainment Weekly

When we last left our intrepid duo, Agent Mulder was worse for wear and in dire need of medical attention. The script has flipped, as Chris Carter is providing Entertainment Weekly with season 11 insights! In a new photo issued from Fox, we see a distressed Mulder at Scully’s bedside.

According to Carter, this is not a surprise. In his words, “Everything is by design.” So, now that question has been answered, but since this is The X-Files, more will be raised. The search for William intensifies and will be the underlying theme of the show.

This draws Mulder and Scully together. However, despite them always being one another’s touchstones, the pallor of Scully’s choice to protect William by giving him up for adoption still colors the relationship between her and Mulder.

Be that as it may, Carter says that fans have “something to look forward to.” Knowing that Mulder and Scully’s son is a crucial part of the story line this season, it will be interesting to see if he makes an appearance.

The Carter Variations

X Files – S11 E01 -Courtesy of Fox and Entertainment Weekly

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In our article, the Search for William and the Truth, we discussed that Carter and his writers are doing eight standalone episodes and only two being more mythology driven. According to EW, they are “United in theme but varied in tone.”

“After episode one delves into the Cigarette Smoking Man’s (William B. Davis) backstory and apparent family ties to Mulder, the second hour opens with a time jump to put distance between Mulder, Scully and the events of the premiere. And episode three is a darkly comedic hour, penned by Carter, focusing on doubles and “doppelgängers.”

Shady Alliances

We reported that Barbara Hershey was joining the cast as well as Karen Konoval from the episode Home. Konoval will be playing several different roles. Now, Carter is dishing another possible addition.

A mysterious Mr. Y is coming. If there’s now a Y, does that mean X is no longer in play? This sounds intriguing already. It seems to go along with the idea of Agent Reyes (Annabeth Gish) and Assistant Director Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) possibly being people that Mulder and Scully have to keep an eye on.

Does the old catchphrase, “Apology is policy” apply again? The truth is out there and this viewer can’t wait to go on the search for it!

Next: X Files: From the vault– top guest star appearances

What do you think of the X Files episodes? Are you happy that Mulder and Scully may get a second chance at a relationship? Do you think William will show up? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. We want to hear from you!