31 Days of Halloween: The Thing (1982) is a masterwork out of this world
By Joey Click
31 Days of Halloween keeps transforming as today we celebrate one of the greatest motion pictures of all time, John Carpenter’s The Thing.
“You gotta be fuckin’ kidding” — Palmer
A Carpenter At His Creative Best
Stunning audiences with Halloween’s ultimate terror tale, John Carpenter is at the height of his game. The Carpenter name is beginning to be synonymous with, not only quality pictures, but with the world of horror — a king is building his kingdom.
After cranking out The Fog and Escape from New York, part of his deal with indie-producer AVCO Embassy, Carpenter is ready for the big times — studio filmmaking (if only it turned out that way). And soon, very soon, the world will be introduced to the ultimate in alien terror.
When Terror Thaws
— Courtesy of Universal Pictures
Man is The Warmest Place to Hide
The film is The Thing. Debuting in the summer of 1982, Carpenter’s sixth feature is unlike anything seen before — or since. With its beautiful Antarctic backdrop, the modern monster movie is stunning in every conceivable way.
While missing scripting/scoring from Carpenter — a true deviation — The Thing is one of the filmmaker’s best works. From Rob Bottin‘s stunning FX work to its bleak vision of mankind’s future, Carpenter uses everything to its best. Like a carpenter of a different trade, he’s using his cinematic tools with picture-perfect accuracy.
The Things Of The Thing
One of the best aspects of The Thing is its brilliant casting. Using Bill Lancaster‘s script like a conductor with a stellar sheet of music, Carpenter fills each diverse role to perfection — something earth shattering to see.
Starring Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley and Keith David, the classic is a true actor tour de force . While there aren’t many moments of high monologue, Landcaster’s script allows performers to play off of each other in beautiful harmony.
Made more evident in the blood testing scene, every actor is bringing what their character needs while using other performers perfectly. If I were an acting coach, I’d have people watch the film — free training videos.
The Thing About A Legacy
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It’s been 35 years since The Thing came crashing down to theaters. Originally misunderstood by the masses — E.T opening two weeks earlier didn’t help — the film has become a true horror classic.
While it may have become a Box Office dud for Universal in ’82, the film holds up today arguably more than ever. Showing the test of time may take a decade or two, The Thing is the perfect film to watch during the Halloween season. And when you do, watch with a bunch of people on a couch — just don’t forget to take blood and grab your blow torch.
Next: Keith David finally address The Thing's ending