Ash vs Evil Dead: Booth Three, man sauce and an ’80s video

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In the Demon Woman’s Den

Ash vs Evil Dead – Ruby comforting Brandy – Courtesy of STARZ

At first, we can’t see who Brandy’s guidance counselor is because of the way the scene is shot. She looks familiar but you can’t quite place her.

Wait a minute. Is that Ruby behind those glasses? It sure is. What is she up to this time and why is she disguising herself in a high school as a concerned teacher?

After Brandy reveals that Ash is her father and we see the light go on in Ruby’s eyes…yes. It is all about Ash.

Hey, Naked Lady

Ash vs Evil Dead – Pablo looking thoughtful – Courtesy of STARZ

Pablo has been visited by a naked woman in a death mask. She tells him that his uncle, the Brujo, sent her to warn him that he is in grave danger. Before he can get any further information, Kelly appears and the two of them have a brief exchange before Dalton enters Ash’s trailer.

The knight brings up Pablo’s Sumerian tattoos, which causes another confrontation between the two men. In a huff, Pablo leaves to open Ashy Slashy’s. Upset with Dalton, Kelly proceeds to stick up for Pablo stating that he fought evil and won.

Still not convinced, Dalton says they will have to kill Pablo before he can go full demon on them.

True Confessions

Back in Ms. Prevett/Ruby’s office, Brandy is telling Ruby all about staying at Ash’s house. She mentions she’s in Cheryl’s room. Ruby jumps on this so that she can tell Brandy that her father murdered her aunt in cold blood.

Looking at Brandy’s face, you can tell she doesn’t know what to believe. Ruby really works it by asking her if she feels safe with her father. Before Brandy can answer, the session is interrupted by a police officer and Brandy leaves.

An A-ha Moment

Ash vs Evil Dead – Bruce Campbell Man Sauce – Courtesy of STARZ

Now we have come to the climactic moment in tonight’s episode. Apparently, Ash has been donating his sperm to the Elk Grove Cryobank for years. Obviously concerned, he wants to know who has “ponied up for his man sauce.”

While the lab assistant Marci (Debbie Newby-Ward) is looking up that information for Ash since he gave her a 30% off coupon to his store, Ash is getting turned on by a skin mag so he decides to “contribute.”

Once in the booth, armed with personal lube, Kleenex and the booty magazine, he sits down to commence his work. However, evil doesn’t want him to finish. While he is preparing to get busy, hi-jinx are on the horizon.

What we have is a work of choreographed art.  Evil takes over the lab and Ash finds himself dealing with a possessed publication. The best part is that just like in the video for A-ha’s Take on Me, the centerfold’s arm jumps out of the magazine to mess up Ash.

After Ash temporarily removes the hand from his neck and tosses it back to Booth 3, he now has to perform the 5 D’s of Dodgeball. So, we have Ash dodging, ducking, dipping, diving and dodging to avoid getting nabbed with his own brand of mojo.

This scene also has one of the best Deadite fights of the show in it. As Ash deals with Mrs. Lam (Helene Wong) who is now a full-on demon, he gets to kill her in Jason X from Friday the 13th style. He freezes her face and then smashes it with a tank.

Balls to the Wall

Ash vs Evil Dead – Father Knows Best – Courtesy of STARZ

Of course, Ash is never free and clear because after dispensing Mrs. Deadite Lam, he now has to contend with the centerfold’s hand again. This time she grabs his balls and holds on for dear life. As Ash tries to extract himself from her grip, he is flailing around just like he did in The Morgue episode in Season 2.

Finally, he shoves her arm into a filing cabinet drawer while she screams at him, “I’m not finished yet.” He replies with the most awesome Ashism ever, “That’s what they all say, baby.”

The Verdict

In my opinion, this episode bests the season opener and I thought that was well done. What I like the most thus far is the fact that Rob Fresco, who penned Booth Three, didn’t waste any time jumping into the action. Right up front, we get the backstory on the Knights of Sumeria and we are delving into the mythos of Ash feet first.

Lucy Lawless is at her zenith with Ms. Prevett/Ruby. At once manipulative in a subtle way and convincing as a well-meaning guidance counselor, her performance is truly terrifying. Here is a woman that can speak pleasantly to a captive in her house and then lovingly feed her demon spawn a body part while smiling!

The use of cartoons to explain the history of Dalton’s ancestors was inventive and had Mark Verheiden stamped all over it. For those of you that don’t know, the showrunner used to write Predator comics for Dark Horse Comics.

We also get to see Ash attempting to be a father. He really has never tried to connect with another person before. Yes, he is attached to the Ghostbeaters but they aren’t his flesh and blood. Horrible as he is at fatherhood, he is trying.

This is the beginning of an interesting story arc not only for the character but for Bruce Campbell as well. We will really get to see what a tremendous actor he is this season because now Ash is a three-dimensional character and not some one liner spouting snarky guy.

Dodge, Dip, Dive….

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As for the sperm bank fighting scene the show has topped itself! This little foray into unsightly bodily fluids is gross, a little bit crazy and a good time! Just watching Ash dealing with the entire Take on Me homage to the MTV video is worth it.

Bruce Campbell tore the screen up with his limber and deft movements especially when he was fighting the possessed centerfold’s hand. I really felt like she could have ripped his balls off because Campbell was making it very realistic.

At the heart of this show is the undeniable chemistry the entire cast has with one another. They are a family and they make their viewers feel as if they are a part of the action in Elk Grove. With each episode, you get the feeling that change is in the air.

It’s exciting, yet cautionary. Maybe it’s too soon to tell but Ash vs Evil Dead’s universe is going to take a turn and you won’t want to miss it.

Catch Ash vs Evil Dead every Sunday at 9 p.m, only on STARZ.

Next: AVED: Family – bound in blood and forged in bloodshed

What did you think about Booth Three was it too gross or did you find it funny? Feel free to share your opinions in the comment section below. We want to hear from you.