Sad Hockey Masks: More bad news on future Friday the 13th Game DLC

After stunning gamers and Friday the 13th fans everywhere by halting future DLC for the game, Gun Media’s Wes Keltner is announcing more bad news.

The best days playing Friday the 13th: The Game are seemingly behind us…

Thanks to Bloody-Disgusting, or no thanks depending on your outlook, we’re getting a devastating new update on future Friday the 13th: The Game content. And camp counselors, this is gonna cut deeper than a machete.

After the crushing news on future DLC coming to the popular game, fans began asking if it’s just a matter of time. With the rights currently litigating in court, everyone’s question was “well, what about when the case is settled?” Well, wer’e getting answers and it’s not pretty.

Here’s what Wes Keltner, head of Gun Media, is saying about new content on the game’s official forum:

"“Sorry for the silence as of recent. It’s been a tough couple weeks, as I’m sure you’re aware. But I wanted to address a few questions that I’ve had sent to me personally, as well as questions we’ve received through the official F13 channels. These questions vary but all have a similar tone/request. “Is there a chance of any content being added to the game if a ruling on the dispute occurs in the near future?” The answer is no. Development on games can’t just pause indefinitely and pick back up again; it doesn’t work that way. Especially when you have no idea when that future date will occur. We can’t keep building content that may never see the light of day. That’s bad business. I’ve also had questions about adding “non-F13” related content to the game. “Can’t you make a new level or a new counselor that has nothing to do with the films?” We can’t do that either. We can’t add any content, whatsoever. Nada. Not even a new tree or rock. We can only focus on console dedicated servers, bug fixes, and maintenance.     I know this isn’t the news you wanted to hear and I wish the situation were different. But it’s the painful truth. I appreciate your passion and look forward to seeing everyone around camp.”"

More from Friday the 13th

Is this a dream? A nightmare? Someone just tell me I’m dreaming.

A crushing blow to the camp community, no one expected this. Seemingly mostly due to Sean Cunningham’s greed (old tricks, new story), this is terrible for fans who made this series what it is today. While any content coming was great, not getting previously promised “Jason X” DLC is hitting us deep. Not getting something you never knew about is one thing. Not getting something promised is something else entirely. Then again, at lease we still have the game to play — always looking for positives.

Friday the 13th: The Game is now available on Xbox One, PS4 and Steam.

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Fan of the Friday the 13th franchise? Find this update on the game a bummer? Let the other camp counselors know what you think in the comment section below.