Nameless Ghouls from Ghost are unmasked! Is this for real?

Ghost has done it again! In an Instagram post we see what looks like some unmasked Ghouls in KISS makeup. Is this for real?!

Ghost teases us with what could possibly be a fun Halloween prank on Instagram. Knowing the band’s sense of humor, it could be a joke or it could be click bait.

Halloween is the time for hi-jinx and partying. However, It seems like we weren’t the only ones celebrating. Celebrities love Halloween too but most of the time, they choose costumes that hide their identities.

However, there was one group this Halloween that did the opposite and it would seem their costumes MAY have given us more information on their identities than we’ve ever had. The members of the Swedish metal band Ghost showed off a little Halloween picture that could be unmasked Ghouls.

This is too awesome. Check it out.

Image courtesy of Ghost/Instagram

Then again, it could be crew (most likely). No one really knows. Some people point out the walkies on the “KISS” members which indicate members of the road crew and some indicate the heights which could be the Ghouls.

Truth is, unless Tobias Forge, Cardinal Copia himself, tells us they were the Nameless Ghouls, we will never know for sure. Regardless, the picture is festive and adorable. All this is occurring during their recently started second round of a North American (and then European) touring with A Pale Tour Named Death.

Not only that, but Ghost was in Milwaukee for Halloween and dedicated the show to Jeffrey Allan Fortune, a Ghost fan who unfortunately passed away last June during the concert. A gofundme has been set up for Fortune’s family.

Ghost’s reaction to the tragedy and their love for their fans tells a lot about the band itself. Never have I seen a band care so much about their fans and that is why the Ghost family and fandom is so big.

We will be covering the Ghost live experience for A Pale Tour Named Death, so check back in a couple weeks to read on how this tour is different than Rats on the Road. If you’re new to the band, check out our list of songs for new fans. If you’re already a fan and looking for some new Ghost collectibles, check out this amazing artist that is merging Ghost and comic books.

Do you think the people in the picture are Ghouls or part of the road crew? Let us know in the comments!