Bruce Campbell reveals his encounter with paranormal activity


Bruce Campbell made a recent appearance on Oddity Files podcast to speak with his friend Kitsie Duncan and her co-host Clayton Abbott about his experiences with the paranormal.

I Want to Believe

Bruce Campbell has made a career out of starring in horror and science fiction films and television shows. So, it may not come as a surprise to his fans that he has encountered paranormal activity at different points in his life.

Recently, the actor appeared on Oddity Files, a podcast dedicated to the “creepy, cryptid and otherworldly,” hosted by his friend, Kitsie Duncan and her partner Clayton Abbott. According to IMDb, the show started in 2012 and is a popular series on Amazon Prime.

If you are into hauntings, UFO’s and various other supernatural phenomenon, this series is one to explore. What makes the show with Campbell interesting is the fact that he hasn’t really discussed his brushes with the paranormal in any of his countless interviews.

It is no secret that the actor prefers life in rural Oregon, where he has resided for over two decades to the bright lights and incessant activity of Hollywood. The Siskiyou Mountains and the solitude that prevails make it easy to see why he would prefer the country life to the craziness of Los Angeles.

That being said, it was while he was working in his home office that he had his strange experience. In his words:

"“I’ve seen some stuff in my life that I can’t explain and when you see a couple of those things you go, ‘Okay, maybe there is something else going on.’”"

While the actor was doing a phone interview, he was looking out his window. All of a sudden, a “warbly” white light appeared over the mountains. He estimated that the object was bigger than a traditional jet.

The Unexplained

Where Bruce lives there is quite a bit of air traffic so he states that he knows the jets’ “routes, their angles and what they look like.” Since he is familiar with commercial flights and the altitudes that they fly at from being in a flight pattern (New York to San Francisco) he could tell this object wasn’t an airliner.

Another reason why this wasn’t your typical aircraft is that it appeared to have some sort of heat diffusion going on which made it look wavy. Bruce had the feeling that he had seen this object before.

This is where it gets really creepy. Campbell states that behind his office in the foyer, are two separate lights that are not on the same control. Both of them started dimming to what the actor terms “almost a brown out,” before returning to normal.

It wasn’t a full power outage. This led him to believe that there was some “weird correlation” to the light hovering over the mountain range. Since he was facing toward the foyer observing what was happening by the time, he turned around to face the windows, the object had disappeared.

This made Bruce think that something was being “curious.” Plus, he was alone at the time. He also knows that it wasn’t a reflection off of his window so that rules that explanation out. Then what exactly did he see?

For more of his musings on the metaphysical and the paranormal, here is the interview in its entirety. Bruce begins at the 30:18 mark.

If you enjoyed this version of Oddity Files like and subscribe to their iTunes, Podbean and YouTube channels. Follow them on Twitter @OddityFiles , Facebook and on Instagram @oddityfiles. For those of you that will be attending HorrorHound Cincy, you can meet them when they do their first live show on Mar. 15.

light. Related Story. Bruce Campbell

Bruce Campbell can be seen this summer as the host of the Travel Channel’s reboot of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Stay tuned for more information. He will be appearing at Mad Monster Party in Charlotte, North Carolina on Feb. 23-24. Click here for details.

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