Our Lemore Ghost art unboxing is too fabulous for you!

We have another amazing Ghost unboxing featuring the art of the very talented Lemore from Lemore’s Bar who draws our favorite band in imaginative ways.

There are some amazing artists out there and some of the best ones are the artists that make Ghost fan art. If you love the band as much as we do, you appreciate seeing the imaginations of other fans and what they do with the characters. One such artist is Lemore (on Etsy as Lemore’s Bar).

A huge thank you to the ladies of Lemore’s Bar for sending these prints our way to unbox for you. They sent a large box of 8×10 images and also some amazing 5×7 sketches. I am just in love with this artwork. Lemore is so imaginative in how she creates these pieces, they are not just standard drawings.

The first items Lemore sent out is a group of sketches of our favorite characters from the Ghost lore in lovely and proper winter clothing. I adore the simplicity of these drawings. Most who look at these pictures wouldn’t see anything more than people in face paint in early 20th century clothing, but fans see our favorite Papas, the Cardinal and our beloved Ghouls in fancy dress.

The first group features dearly departed Papas I and II. Papa III on the bottom was a bonus sketch she included.

Photo by DD Crowley

These two are my favorites from the winter clothing collection. These sketches feature a Ghoulette in a gorgeous coat and harness combo and a Ghoul in a long coat. I just love these two the most. I was so excited when the band introduced female Ghouls instead of just having all of the Ghouls look the same as they have in the past.

Photo by DD Crowley

Next we have a new addition to the Ghost lore: young Papa Nihil. This sketch was designed after the actor that plays young Papa Nihil, Justin Andrews. The resemblance is amazing and he’s just adorable. Next up we have Papa II, sans face paint, in a big fancy hat looking mighty sassy.

Photo by DD Crowley

The last winter clothing sketch is of the man himself, Cardinal Copia, looking fly AF and telling us, “It’s time to shut the f*** up.” Loud and clear, Cardi C. These sketch prints are SUCH a win from Lemore.

Photo by DD Crowley

Next up we have the first of the 8×10 prints. I adore this picture called Zombie Queen. This is the fantastic Papa Emeritus II holding his zombie queen…as in the song “Ghuleh/Zombie Queen.” Because that is one of my favorite Ghost songs, this makes the print very cool. There is no blurring and I love it.

Photo by DD Crowley

This particular print makes me SUPER happy. I love how sweet and sassy this print makes Cardinal Copia look. It’s such a playful piece of art and if you like your Ghost fan art less serious and more adorable, than this might be the piece for you.  No blurring issues with this picture either.

Photo by DD Crowley

Next up we have a silly Nameless Ghoul. I love this art from Lemore because of it’s humor. The Ghoul is wearing a mask, thinking he’s being smart and stealthy. It’s just fun and playful and similar to the twirling Copia, this is a lot of fun and brings to life the humor that Ghost has. I love how monochromatic this picture is, showcasing the Ghoul.

Photo by DD Crowley

As someone who favors Papa III as premium Papa, I am really digging the Papa II artwork hard. There is just something about the way she draws him that draws us right in. This is Papa Emeritus II holding a crow and this is just fantastic. The atmosphere of the print is so dark and the addition of the raven is perfect.

Photo by DD Crowley

The last picture is one I adore, just because of how much Lemore captured the essence of Tobias Forge. If you are familiar with the lyrics of the song “He Is,” which sounds like a hymn to Satan, shows the visage of Forge with the face of Papa underneath. There’s a tattoo-like quality to the style of this drawing and, for fans of the bands, it just tugs at something in you. I do notice a LITTLE blurring in this print, but I just love it so much that I didn’t give it too much thought.

Photo by DD Crowley

Check out my unboxing (and subscribe if you would) and keep reading for more information and how to shop amazing art for yourself.

All of the Lemore large 8×10 prints are $20 a piece and she has some amazing new works. Most of the prints that were sent to me are still available on her Etsy site (which you can shop HERE). Her new prints of Dewdrop, Spirit and the end of an era are amazing and if the ones that I showed aren’t your style, definitely check those out.

Thank you again to the ladies behind Lemore for sending me these prints to show to you. I just loved them and if you love Ghost than I think you will too.

Keep an eye on 1428 Elm for more Ghost unboxings headed your way!