Call us crazy but AHS 1984 pays homage to The Curse of La Llorona

MARISOL RAMIREZ as La Llorona in New Line Cinema’s horror film “THE CURSE OF LA LLORONA,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.
MARISOL RAMIREZ as La Llorona in New Line Cinema’s horror film “THE CURSE OF LA LLORONA,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

AHS 1984 introduced us to the worst mother ever in the Lady in White episode which aired last week. Since this season is all about homages did you catch this particular nod?

AHS 1984 has certainly been interesting this season. For those of us who came of age in the 1980’s, it is definitely a walk down memory lane. It has been especially fun for fans of the golden age of horror when the slasher film was king.

There are so many tropes embedded in Ryan Murphy’s series that it makes your head spin. The serial killer, Mr. Jingles’ entire background feels like a combination of Friday the 13th and Halloween. Then, of course, the cast in and of itself celebrates the best characters of the era.

Every scary flick has the “easy” chick, the final girl, the not-so-bright jock, the conceited and arrogant big man on campus, the nerdy guy or gal and you can see where we are going with this. However, thanks to an article in Cosmopolitan, another nod to a more recent creepy movie has been brought to light.

Remember the spring release from The Conjuring universe, The Curse of La Llorona? Well, Lily Rabe’s character of Lavinia Richter falls right in line with the Lady in White legend hence the name of the episode.

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Lavinia is a great candidate for the world’s worst mother award. After the death of her husband, she was forced to take a job as a summer camp cook to support herself and her children, Benjamin and Bobby.

When we are first introduced to her, she is for all intent and purposes letting Benji know that he is a real loser compared to his more outgoing sibling, Bobby. Under the guise of “caring,” she chides him for being a bookworm and an introvert.

Forcing him to try and interact with the other kids, she asks Benji to take his brother to the lake to go swimming emphatically telling him to keep a close eye on him. Of course, what could possibly go wrong?

As it turns out, Benji abandons Bobby on the dock while he plays “Peeping Tom” on two counselors who are getting it on in the woods. The end result, he goes back to the lake only to find that Bobby has disobeyed his instructions and is now frolicking in the water.

What happens next is truly tragic. Before Benji can warn Bobby to get out of the way, two fishermen run over him and slice him to bits with their boat motor. When Lavinia finds out what has happened, she loses her mind with grief and tells her surviving son that she hates him.

After she passes away, her spirit remains at the camp forever haunting the premises appearing as a lady in a white dress. Does this sound familiar to those of you that know the legend of La Llorona and have seen the movie?

Basically, Lavinia is Maria or the weeping woman of lore even down to the attire with a similar backstory. Maria drowned her own children as revenge for her husband’s infidelity.

Then she was destined to roam around eternally looking for youngsters to murder to replace her own. Much like Lavinia who haunts the camp counselors at Redwood because she blames them for her son’s death.

Were you aware of the connection between AHS 1984 and The Curse of La Llorona? Let us know in the comments.