Ryan Murphy recently teased the cast and concept for the upcoming season of American Horror Story. But COVID-19 concerns are leaving its future uncertain.
The first two seasons of American Horror Story – Murder House and Asylum – remain series high points for me, in large part because of their inspired use of shopworn horror settings and tropes. I also appreciate how the show’s repertory cast (including regulars like Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, and Denis O’Hare, among many others) lends each season a degree of lived-in credibility, even if the overall concepts aren’t up to par.
In subsequent years, the series has traveled to Roanoke, New Orleans (Coven), and San Francisco (Hotel). And, as Ryan Murphy’s ratings juggernaut has been renewed through season 13 by FX, there are clearly more nooks and crannies of the United States ripe for exploration.
That said, the fate of American Horror Story‘s tenth season is up in the air at the moment.
According to The Wrap:
"“Season 10…was about to begin shooting when TV and film productions were halted and delayed across the United States…over concerns about spreading COVID-19.”"
Murphy added the following sentiment:
"“…a lot of what I was going to shoot was dependent on a very specific moment, it was a weather-dependent show. I don’t know if I’ll accelerate another season or wait till next year to shoot this one.”"
This raises a question as to where the series might go en lieu of Murphy’s weather-based concept. The potential silver lining is the many options as to where the showrunners could take their star-studded ensemble.

Off the top of my head, I can think of a location in my own backyard: Three Mile Island, the nuclear facility whose partial meltdown in 1979 accidentally lined up with the release of The China Syndrome, a film that explored a similar premise in a fictional context. I would love to see series regular (and Academy Award winner) Kathy Bates try her hand at a Central Pennsylvania dialect.
Also in my neck of the woods is historic Gettsyburg, which in addition to being a popular tour stop, also has the added attraction of “ghost tours” during the Halloween season. A friend of mine deliberately spent her honeymoon in a hotel that was reputed to be haunted. (Five words: Lady Gaga in a corset.)
But lest I appear too biased toward my home state…to piggyback off of recent speculation right here at 1428 Elm, the notion of a story arc centered around aliens would make Roswell, New Mexico an inspired location to set the next season. It would certainly be an easy place to practice social distancing…
What location would you like Ryan Murphy to use for American Horror Story Season 10? Let us know in the comments.