Fire (Pozar): How David Lynch blew my mind during Quarantine

David Lynch (Photo by Scott Dudelson/Getty Images)
David Lynch (Photo by Scott Dudelson/Getty Images) /

David Lynch released his 2015 animated short, Fire (Pozar) yesterday and its beautiful.

David Lynch is another talented individual who is using the COVID-19 situation to create. This time, in addition to rebooting his Daily Weather Reports, he also released his 2015 animated short film, Fire (Pozar).

For those of you steeped in Lynchian mystique, you will remember his offbeat alternative cartoon strip, The Angriest Dog in the World that ran for nine years in the L.A. Reader and other publications like it. A simple black and white cartoon illustrated like the exaggerated dreams of an extremely imaginative child; it was pure, goofy fun.

In Fire (Pozar), the director employs the same noir sensibilities that we know and love in this effort. The animation technique that he utilizes is very similar to The Angriest Dog in the World and one of his early productions, Six Men Getting Sick.

What immediately intrigued me was the introduction to David Lynch Theater. Not only was it reminiscent of the Lady in the Radiator’s home in Eraserhead, but it harkens back to grand event films of yesteryear with the sweeping score by Marek Zebrowski playing in the background.

Now, I am not going to pontificate as if I have a clue as to what was going through Lynch’s mind when he created this little diversion five years ago, but for me, I think it has something to do with one of his favorite topics of conversation, fishing for ideas. The minute the action starts, we are introduced to a very long armed figure who is holding a gigantic matchbook.

From it, he takes a match and strikes it. Here is where the magic begins. Trying to decipher the director’s imagery is ponderous but at 6:00 a.m. you might find yourself “seeing things.” For instance, when the match catches fire, inside the flame look closely because you can see a side profile of Lynch himself. Or at least, that’s what I think…

Perhaps, since he is fond of letting his audiences draw their own conclusions as to the meanings behind his films, that is why there are so many theories out there. For me, that spark that ignites the match, is when you latch onto that great idea.

The rest of Fire (Pozar) is an illustration of the snowball effect. From that initial thought, more pieces of the puzzle come together until finally you have your version of a masterpiece or in David Lynch’s case a ballet of dancing deer with bird beaks.

If you want a departure from the stresses of the current world situation, tune in, drop out and watch David Lynch.

Next. DAVID LYNCH. dark

What do you think Fire (Pozar) is about? Let us know your theories in the comments.