RUMOR: Please tell us The Hunger isn’t going to be remade…

David Bowie (singer) with Catherine Deneuve (actress); 1986; (Photo by Monitor Picture Library/Photoshot/Getty Images)
David Bowie (singer) with Catherine Deneuve (actress); 1986; (Photo by Monitor Picture Library/Photoshot/Getty Images)

The Hunger is one of the best vampire pictures around in our humble opinion. Why would someone want to remake it with Jennifer Lawrence? Please tell us this is a rumor…

The Hunger is an interesting take on the vampire legend. Tony Scott’s 1983 film was set in contemporary times and wasn’t full of flowery romanticism and gothic castles. As a matter of fact, it took place in New York City but was shot in London.

Catherine Deneuve portrayed an Egyptian creature of the night named Miriam who subsisted on the blood of her lover, John (played by the incredible David Bowie). In return for providing Miriam with sustenance, John remained ageless for 300 years.

However, he is beginning to rapidly exhibit signs of decay. Distressed at the suddenness of the onset of his demise, Miriam employs the assistance of a young doctor named Sarah Roberts (Susan Sarandon) who is a renowned gerontologist (doctor that deals with the elderly). She can’t cure him so his fate is to be laid to rest in the attic with the rest of Miriam’s lovers.

Now, free from her relationship, Miriam finds that she is intensely attracted to Sarah. She sets out to seduce her only to find that Sarah is deeply interested in her. The two have sex and Sarah is turned into a vampire.

Of course, this revolts her and the ensuing hunger pangs that she develops become problematic. Sarah returns to her physician boyfriend and together they try to find a cure to no avail.

The Hunger
Portrait of musician David Bowie, March 25th 1987. (Photo by Dave Hogan/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Beyond sick, Sarah seeks Miriam out. Miriam tries to get her to kill a male prostitute but Sarah is still wrestling with her human nature. Finally, the situation become desperate. Sarah ends up feeding off her boyfriend.

Wracked with guilt, she attempts suicide. Heartbroken, Miriam prepares to “bury” her in the attic as well. But something goes horribly wrong. Instead, she gets attacked by her former paramours and is sentenced to an early grave. Meanwhile, Sarah survives and ends up taking her own lovers.

Suffice it to say, The Hunger is a very sexy, horror story. While you are watching it, since it is set during modern times, you almost forget that the trio are bloodsuckers. You become involved in their interactions with one another.

There is such a palpable chemistry between Sarandon and Deneuve that burns like fire. Unfortunately, I can’t imagine any current actresses being able to come close to their intensity. Maybe Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis in Black Swan might approximate that depth of attraction.

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According to We Got This Covered, a rumor is circulating that a remake is in development. Apparently, Duncan Jones, who oddly enough is David Bowie’s son, is in the running to direct.

Jennifer Lawrence and Anya Taylor-Joy are the two names that have surfaced as potential leads. While none of this has definitely been confirmed, personally, we hope that it has no basis in reality.

No disrespect to both actresses who are immensely talented but The Hunger is fine without a remake. It is a cult sensation that to this day remains a classic.

The Hunger is available to view on VUDU, YouTube, Google Play, Amazon Prime, iTunes and HBO Max.

Are you a fan of The Hunger? Do you want to see it remade? Let us know in the comments.