NOTE: The following article contains some mild spoilers for There’s Someone Inside Your House.
1428 Elm chatted with the stars of There’s Someone Inside Your House, including Asjha Cooper, Jesse LaTourette, Dale Whibley, and Diego Josef. The new slasher film adapted from Stephanie Perkins’s novel of the same name started streaming on Netflix yesterday.
1428 Elm interviews There’s Someone Inside Your House stars Asjha Cooper, Jesse LaTourette, Dale Whibley, and Diego Josef
1428 Elm: I wanted to start by talking about the party scene because that was one of my favorite moments in the movie. Diego, you got to do some cool stunt work in that scene, so can you talk about that a little bit?
Diego Josef: That was really fun. I got to get a lot of prosthetics on which took a couple of hours. I also got to crawl through vents which was very painful. I almost fell out and fell like ten feet down, probably almost breaking my bones, but luckily Patrick [Brice] was there to save the day and help me, but it was very fun. The set was amazing, and it was very immersive, so I felt like I was in it.
1428 Elm: I always get really bad claustrophobia when characters go through the vents.
Diego Josef: It was, they had it pretty big, but they made it look smaller than what it was.

1428 Elm: Your characters, Diego, and Asjha, you guys have that sweet little romance going. What was it like to play that in comparison to the scarier moments?
Asjha Cooper: For me, it was a dream come true to be with Diego. [Laughs]
Diego Josef: Yeah, same. It really was.
Asjha Cooper: It was all I could ever ask for!
Diego Josef: I really liked how Alex takes control rather than Rodrigo. I like how she throws me up on the counter, and I’m like, so flustered.
Asjha Cooper: I love our dynamic. Alex and Rodrigo, they’re goals, honestly. They’re all couple goals. Even our little moment in the hallway, when you say thank you! That’s honestly one of my favorite moments in the entire film. It’s so cute!
Diego Josef: Honestly, something that I would probably say in real life.

1428 Elm: Jesse, your character, Darby, is genderfluid; how did you feel about getting the opportunity to portray that representation on-screen, especially in the horror genre?
Jesse LaTourette: Yeah, I mean, it was really cool. I remember seeing the audition that said genderfluid, and I’ve never seen an audition that is genderfluid, and I’m fluid, so I thought that was really cool, and I think that is really exciting. I’m like did TikTok start this? I don’t know, but more and more queer activists on TikTok and Instagram are showing this is who we really are, this is what we look like, this is what’s important to us, like this is us.
And having Netflix really care about my opinion, Netflix working with GLAAD, people asking questions, was such a treat. I think they did such a great job, and it was so refreshing not having to play a stereotype because a lot of the time, things are written in a way that’s kind of microaggressive-ly still encouraging some harmful things.
I just feel so grateful that Netflix, and Henry [Gayden], Patrick, and Dan [Cohen] and everyone really cared and brought a fully three-dimensional queer character to life.

1428 Elm: I think the horror genre has been getting a lot better about that. I’ve seen a lot of movies this year with great queer representation, which has been awesome. And Dale, another question I had for you, during the party scene, the stuff with the guns was kind of crazy. How did you feel about playing that scene and one thing I’ve always heard, and I’m not sure if it’s just a rumor, is that guns are never actually supposed to point at the actor.
Dale Whibley: That is true. They were real fake guns, like prop guns, but all the innards were taken out and replaced with vegetable glycerin vapes, so basically non-harmful vapes. It was genius the way that they set it up, and actually, I was blown away when I first saw it all because its always been a dream of mine to do like a Western or a gang movie where I’m shooting guns all over the place. It was cool to see that and have them set up to where they could be bongs, it was just wild.
Diego Josef: What did it taste like, by the way? Was it bad?
Dale Whibley: It just tastes like nothing, you just had smoke.
This interview has been edited for clarity.
There’s Someone Inside Your House is now streaming on Netflix.