Have you seen the FROM season 2 BTS (behind-the-scenes) clips and overview that MGM+ shared a couple of weeks before the season finale?
If not, and if you’re already missing the show, they’re worth watching. They’re all around two and a half minutes long, give or take. They offer perspective on characters and plot points, but in some cases also discuss what all goes into creating the show, like set design and such.
Basically, the FROM season 2 BTS clips are loaded with interesting nuggets about the show, and even some clues. Let’s break down what each clip reveals.
FROM season 2 overview
“The buzzword for this season, especially in the early stages, is ‘escalation,’” John Griffin, the show’s creator, says in the overview. That pretty much sums up this clip, too.
Other cast members validate Griffins’ sentiments.
“This season is more intense,” Eion Bailey (who plays Jim Matthews) says. “The characters are in even deeper than they were previously.”
Or, as Pegah Ghafoori (Fattima) put it, “Shit’s hitting the fan, and we’re doing our best to stay afloat.”
Everybody has their struggles. Harold Perrineau (who plays Boyd Stevens) explains how season 2 opens with him ending up “somewhere” after going through the Faraway tree at the end of season 1. This “somewhere” turns out to factor heavily into this season, though that’s not entirely obvious until the last episode. (No spoilers here.)
Catalina Sandino Moreno (Tabitha) discusses the tunnels she discovers and how it’s where the monsters sleep. But there’s something else down there too. “Symbols that are going to be very important throughout the season,” she said.
In the season 2 trailer (and in the first episode), one of the more jarring scenes is when one of the monsters finds a terrified couple cowering on the newly arrived bus.
“You picked a bad spot,” he tells them.

David Alpay (Jade) explains how “the monsters are evolving” this season. “The nature of the beast is changing.”’
“They don’t just like to hunt. They like to play,” Griffin adds.
Newcomers, monsters, interpersonal dynamics… something’s always happening in FROM.
“Just when you think that they’re about to hit their breaking point, something else happens,” Chloe Van Landschoot (Kristi) said.
“It’s almost like everyone’s personal nightmare,” Ricky He agreed.
“The stakes keep getting higher, and the traps that are out there for everybody are different and scarier,” Jack Bender, one of the show’s executive producers said.
The big takeaway from the FROM season 2 overview is that they still don’t know where they are, why they’re there, how to get out, or even if they’re alive, dead, or just dreaming.
Or as Boyd (Perrineau) puts it as he’s standing at his wife’s grave, “Maybe none of this is real.”
FROM season 2 BTS clip #1: “A New Set of Nightmares”
The first behind-the-scenes clip expounds on something that’s addressed in the overview clip: the environment and the mystery.
“Our characters are surrounded by something vast,” John Griffin says. “There are nooks and crannies of this place that we have yet to see.”
Executive producer Jeff Pinker says, “And this season, we explore that environment a little bit more.”
Michael Wright, the head of MGM+, spoke about all the artists and artisans that worked to create the town and how it’s really a character unto itself. (Yep!)
But there are layers to it.
“This season, we’re sort of digging in deeper, quite literally, underneath the town,” production designer Matt Likely said.
If you’ve seen the season finale, you now know the importance of the tunnels and the symbol that haunts Jade, and how it ties into the lighthouse. (Don’t worry. I’m keeping this post spoiler-free.)
This is the FROM season 2 BTS clip where they talk about what went into creating that lighthouse. There’s more to it than meets the eye. (Both in how it was created and what happens with it on the show. Again, no spoilers here!)
But the lighthouse wasn’t season 2’s biggest challenge. Visual effects supervisor Robert Biagi explained how that honor went to “figuring out how to collapse the Matthews house to make a set that represents the wreckage from the inside.”
I personally liked hearing more about that because it was one of the scenes I discussed during my interview with Eion Bailey, whose character was trapped in that rubble.
The town’s history is revealed and explored more this season too.
“There were people here before our people,” Griffin says, “and it makes us wonder if we are at the beginning of the story or the end…or the middle.”
The clip ends with a line Donna (played by Elizabeth Saunders) says in season 2, “There really is no way out.”
Or is there? This isn’t a spoiler, but it is a major tease: season 2 ends with a whopper of a cliffhanger!
FROM season 2 BTS: “The Matthews Family”
Perrineau couldn’t have summed up this behind-the-scenes clip any more perfectly: “The Matthews Family has a real tear in their family fabric.”
As Pinker explains, the Matthews family was in trouble even before they got trapped in a place with flesh-eating monsters and no way out. It was a last hurrah before Jim and Tabitha announced their divorce to the kids.
“This is life or death,” Hannah Cheramy (who plays daughter Julie Matthews) said.
“You have to work together, you have to stick together,” Sandino Moreno agreed.
“We’re becoming closer because we need to be. Otherwise, everything falls apart,” Bailey added.
The clip ends with the scene of the house collapsing in on itself, which is a pretty ominous sign for what’s ahead in season 2 for the Matthews clan.
FROM season 2 BTS: “Victor Belong the Spoils”
In this clip, Simon Webster (who plays Ethan Matthews) and Catalina Sandino Moreno summed it up best when they said that people see Victor as creepy, but at the end of the day he’s just a child in need of love.
Scott McCord (who plays Victor) put it more simply, stating he’s “just a guy who wants his peaches.”
But we all know Victor runs deeper than that. As the longest-living resident in this super scary place, he knows things. He possesses secrets that can help others survive, and he’s aware he may possess knowledge that could help them escape.
However, he doesn’t want to test that theory because most of all he knows if people go looking for answers, bad things are going to happen.
Victor was already one of my favorite characters at the end of season 1. (Along with Donna.) This season we learn more of his backstory, which demonstrates how resilient and industrious he really is.
For instance, he singlehandedly moved all the cars to what became a “car graveyard” so he wouldn’t have to see them anymore and be reminded of what they signified. Which was lots of people he’d lost over the years, including his mom and sister.
The flashback to the day Victor’s mom left him in the cellar with his sister, who disobeyed and ran after their mom, was one of the more heart-tugging scenes this season.
But in season 2, he bonds with Tabitha, who exudes maternal warmth. Together, they put pieces of the puzzle together, resulting in season 2’s shocking cliffhanger ending.
Sadly, this FROM season 2 BTS mentioned the Boy in White but didn’t give us any more clues as to his identity or purpose. But he most definitely factors into the last episode’s big twist.