The Substance was released in theaters in September 2024. Now, this popular body horror flick is available to stream on Mubi, and everyone can't stop talking about it. However, we're not surprised because this movie has got to be one of the most stomach-churning body horror films we've ever watched.
It centers around a middle-aged former movie star named Elisabeth Sparkle, who is suddenly fired from the fitness TV show she hosts due to her age. While down in the dumps about her firing, she comes across a black market drug that, if taken, promises to transform her into a younger, more perfect version of herself. But there is one rule she must follow in order for things to work properly. If that rule is broken, there will be severe consequences.
The Substance is definitely not for the faint of heart, as it serves up a relentless barrage of shocking visuals and gut-wrenching moments that will have you instinctively covering your eyes. It pushes the boundaries of horror, leaving even the bravest viewers on edge. Now, join us as we explore six of the most disturbing scenes in this film that'll stick with you long after the credits roll.
Spoilers from The Substance ahead!

1. Elisabeth's first transformation
After Elisabeth receives her first package of The Substance, she goes home and tries it out right away, making sure to follow the steps correctly. She injects herself with the activator and waits for the drug to kick in. Once the drug takes effect, she falls to the ground and starts struggling to breathe.
She becomes paralyzed, and something in her body starts to move around. Her eyes switch back and forth between her original green color and a blue color. Suddenly, her back splits in half, and a human arm can be seen popping out. Sue, a younger and better version of Elisabeth, makes her way out of Elisabeth's body, and we can see an unconscious Elisabeth with her back split open, lying on the floor with blood surrounding her.
2. Sue pulls a chicken drumstick out of her belly button
Sue's life is going great. She has her own fitness show called "Pump It Up with Sue," and she's shooting her next segment. But while dancing, something round-shaped tries to burst through her buttocks. It pops back in once she stands back upright, but now she's freaked out. She calls for a break and heads to her dressing room to figure out what's going on.
She starts touching where the bump was on her butt, and something moves. As she keeps pressing on it, it moves to her belly button. She takes her index and middle fingers and pushes them into her belly button, pulling out a chicken drumstick. Her enlarged belly button then adjusts back to its normal size.
3. Sue and Elisabeth get into an extremely violent and bloody altercation
After Sue doesn't follow the rule of the drug, which is to switch between her body and Elisabeth's every seven days, it causes Elisabeth to age significantly and for her body to become deformed. Fed up with Sue, Elisabeth decides that she wants to stop the process. But as she injects the termination drug into Sue, she suddenly changes her mind. She injects some of her blood into Sue, and Sue awakens.
But when she wakes up, she realizes that Elisabeth was initially trying to end her. This angers her, and she starts chasing Elisabeth around the house. She corners her in the bathroom before grabbing hold of her head and repeatedly bashing it into the mirror, leaving Elisabeth and the bathroom very bloody.
Elisabeth manages to get out of the bathroom and back into the living room, but Sue chases her down and starts kicking her over and over again. Blood starts spurting from Elisabeth's mouth and body, leaving the living room a bloody mess. Sue's face is even left bloody.
4. Sue pulls out some of her teeth
Remember, Elisabeth and Sue are supposed to be one. So, now that Sue has killed Elisabeth after their brutal fight, her body is starting to break down. As she prepares for her New Year's Eve show, Sue finds herself unable to stop coughing.
She heads to the bathroom, where she coughs so hard that her tooth falls out into the sink. She looks into the mirror and smiles. She then starts pulling out two more of her teeth. Blood starts pouring from her mouth. A knock is heard at the door, and an assistant tells her she needs to get ready for the show. But she can't hit the stage just yet, not with missing teeth.
She hurries to the elevator so that she can make her way back home to take the activator. She hopes that by taking the activator, it'll transform her into a better version of herself, like it did Elisabeth. But before she can make it home, her body breaks down even more. Her fingernails start coming off, and her ear randomly falls from her head. All that is left in its place is blood.
5. Sue takes the activator and turns into a worse version of herself
Remember, you're only supposed to take the activator once. Elisabeth already took it, so there are negative effects now that Sue has taken it. Sue passes out and wakes up to find herself transformed into a grotesque hybrid of herself and Elisabeth.
Different parts of her body are in the wrong place, and somehow Elisabeth's face is planted on her back. She can barely even talk because she doesn't have many teeth, and her face is distorted. Still, she's determined to make her New Year's Eve show.
6. Sue/Elisabeth's body completely breaks down at the New Year's Eve show
As Sue/Elisabeth speaks into the mic at the New Year's Eve show, they get choked up because they have to throw up. But instead of vomit coming out, a breast comes out of a random hole in their body and falls to the ground. Everyone in the audience gasps and then starts freaking out. Sue/Elisabeth tries to get everyone to calm down, but they continue to panic and call them a monster or freak.
A man with a mic stand runs up to Sue/Elisabeth and knocks their head clean off. Blood spurts everywhere, but they just shape-shift into a new form. As a new head emerges where the other one was knocked off, Sue/Elisabeth's hand suddenly pops off their body. Blood starts spraying from their arm all around the room. This goes on for a good minute before Sue/Elisabeth make their way outside the building.
They try to run away, but their body suddenly comes apart as they fall to the ground. Blood and guts go flying everywhere. All that is left is Elisabeth's face, which breaks free from its body and scoots itself to her Walk of Fame star.
The Substance is streaming now on Mubi.