Blumhouse is preparing for another successful Five Nights at Freddy's movie, with the sequel set to be released theatrically on December 5, 2025. The first live-action entry into the popular franchise best known for Scott Cawthon's terrifying survival horror video games made almost $300 million at the box office on a $20 million budget, cementing its title as Blumhouse's highest-grossing movie of all time.
Given that, it's not much of a shock to learn of rumors regarding a potential television series. Insider Daniel Richtman has revealed that there have been talks regarding a Five Nights at Freddy's TV show, though there's very little information to go off right now.
Richtman's reporting doesn't just come out of thin air. Cawthon himself previously stated that he's open to the idea of a series continuing the story, especially after the success of the first film.
Last August, Cawthon was interviewed by popular YouTuber and avid fan, Dawko. During their nearly-hour-long conversation, Dawko asked the creator if he'd ever be down to make a TV show, specifically in the style of anthology horror series like Goosebumps (the 1995 one).
You can watch the interview and listen to Cawthon's response yourself in the video below. The specific conversation starts around the 30-minute mark.
To that, Cawthon said, "That's something that can definitely happen," though he also mentioned he wanted to be wary of oversaturating the market with content. Nonetheless, he really liked the idea of developing a show, and given how much money the film and video games have made, it seems like an ideal opportunity for Blumhouse to further expand on the film's lore.
Five Nights at Freddy's is a massively successful media franchise, even outside of the film industry. Featuring multiple video games, novels, and merchandise, there are plenty of opportunities to continue growing the universe in new and exciting directions.
Although Cawthon says he fears creating too much content, to the point of oversaturation, I'd argue that there is little danger of that happening anytime soon.
For one thing, few films fill the same niche as Five Nights at Freddy's. Killer animatronics aren't as popular in the horror movie world as one might think. The only other films that really come close are Willy's Wonderland starring Nicolas Cage, and Syfy's horror take on The Banana Splits Movie. There's also the 2018 Huluween short film "The Hug."
In other words: bring on more of Freddy and co. (and maybe Circus Baby?)!
Not much is known about Blumhouse's upcoming sequel film, which is currently filming as of November. Matthew Lillard, Elizabeth Lail, Josh Hutcherson, and Piper Rubio are reprising their roles from the first film.
The same director and writing team are working on the sequel, including Cawthon co-writing the script with Seth Cuddeback and Emma Tammi. Tammi also directs.
Five Nights at Freddy's is now streaming on Peacock and the sequel will be released theatrically on December 5, 2025.