From season 3 episode 4 recap: Boyd is forced to make a horrific decision

From season 3 episode 4, Chris Reardon/MGM+
From season 3 episode 4, Chris Reardon/MGM+ /

Tabitha's foray into the real world didn't last long now did it? The ending of From season 3 episode 3, was a big shock for viewers and the characters as we discover Tabitha and Henry are inside an ambulance soon to be trapped in Fromville with the rest. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is a show that loves a good curveball, after all.

The fourth episode, fittingly titled "There and Back Again," picks up with Tabitha's chilling revelation that they've returned to where they started. Further complicating matters is that the paramedics on the ambulance have no clue what they're about to drive into and Tabitha can't explain it to them without sounding crazy. She tries to convince them to stay on the road and head into town where people can help them. It's getting very dark out and we all know what that means.

Back in town, that dang phone rings again. It's "Thomas" calling for Ethan, alerting him to the fact his mother is in danger. She's in an ambulance and she'll soon need his help. When Jim catches his son on the phone he immediately unhooks the whole thing. Probably one of the smartest decisions he's made in a bit.

Elsewhere, Victor turns to Sarah for assistance. I have to say that I love From for pairing them together. Victor asks Sarah to go into the basement with him to build a blanket fort. There he reveals more about what it was like for him in town as a boy, the day his mother told him to stay in the cellar overnight. He did, even though his sister didn't. When he walked out the next day, there were bodies everywhere, and Victor claims that was when he met the Boy in White, who then became his only friend.

After that, Victor gathered up everything precious to him and stored it in an old suitcase. Now he's ready to open it and see if it helps him remember. So, why did he pick Sarah? "Because I might have to remember some scary things, and you're the scariest person here, so it won't scare you." Some great humorous moments between these two.

FROM Season 3 Episode 304: There And Back Again
From season 3 episode 4, Chris Reardon/MGM+ /

When we left off with Boyd, he was hellbent on his new plan to capture one of the monsters. He gains an unlikely ally in Randall, who chooses to stay on the bus with Boyd instead of going to the sheriff's station. Randall says something quite chilling. Whatever happened to him, Julie, and Marielle deeply disturbed him. He no longer believes that dying in this town is the worst thing that can happen and he wants out. Now. Any chance to do that he'll take. Some really brutal foreshadowing there, writers.

All hell breaks loose when the ambulance finally crosses the threshold into town. As expected, the paramedics and cop ignore Tabitha's warnings. The cop even handcuffs Tabitha to keep her trapped inside the emergency vehicle. The two guys get out to help a "woman" lying on the road and are immediately eviscerated. And we all know guns don't do anything against these monsters, so the cop is equally helpless though she manages to escape to Colony House...where one of her bullets ends up buried in one of the season 3 newcomers, Nicky (Tamara Fifield).

FROM Season 3 Episode 304: There And Back Again
From season 3 episode 4, Chris Reardon/MGM+ /

Seeing the ambulance makes Ethan realize his mom is in there. Jim, Boyd, and Randall rush out to get her, but the handcuffs prove to be a problem. Randall returns to the bus for a toolkit and hands it off to Boyd just as some of the monsters surround him. The plan is for Boyd to start the damn ambulance and get them all to Colony House. But it's never that simple. Boyd can't find the key to start the thing until a monster willingly hands it to him. He can have the key, but in exchange, they get to keep Randall. "You can't save them all." F**k. Boyd is forced to abandon Randall to his fate to save the rest of his passengers.

Things are getting weird at Colony House, too. Tillie starts to fear something bad is going to happen to Fatima, that maybe that bird was an omen. Someone else points out that maybe Tillie messing with tarot cards in a place like this is a bad idea. Fair. Then Elgin sees another creepy ghost. She asks him for help.

Boyd confesses to Donna about what happened with Randall and then they're interrupted when Nicky starts seizing. Despite Marielle's best efforts, Nicky dies from the gunshot wound and, likely, internal bleeding. It's too much for Boyd who immediately lays into the cop about shooting at random. Donna pulls him aside, but not for a lecture. She bursts into tears. It's all getting to be too much.

Across town, Julie admits to Ethan she was more scared than she'd ever been in her life when she was "asleep." She still doesn't understand what she saw, but she knows it was terrifying. Clearly, Julie and Randall are very traumatized by their experience. I wonder if Marielle is, too.

FROM Season 3 Episode 304: There And Back Again
From season 3 episode 4, Chris Reardon/MGM+ /

Out in the woods, Jade, Kenny, and Kristi bond a little as they spend the night in the log cabin. Jade tells Kenny and Kristi about the hallucinations he's been having and he gives them the journal from Tian-Chen's storage to look at. The one that he's been using to try and "solve" this town.

The blanket fort thing with Sarah and Victor doesn't go well. Once Victor realizes something is missing from someone named "Christopher" he knew, he freaks out and wrecks the whole thing. Sarah works to calm him down, and Victor recalls that creepy ventriloquist dummy we've seen before. The dummy was Jasper and Christopher used it to make everyone laugh. Then he started seeing that symbol and became aggressive, isolated, and erratic. Victor once saw Christopher having a full conversation with Jasper and now seems to believe that Jasper the dummy can tell them what really happened.

This episode ends with a few more chilling surprises. Fatima keeps Nicky's dead body company so she can start eating her. That's a big jump from some rotten crops. And just as Boyd and Donna are toasting to "better days," the ambulance start flashing. The monsters have left a very battered and bloody Randall on the hood of the vehicle. And he's still alive.

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