March is the official turning point into the spring and Arrow is ready to make the jump. As always, they have carefully procured a high profile set of selections ranging from the macabre to the muscle and are ready to tantalize audiences of all kinds. This month is full of fashion, speed and a little sprinkle of church as well so buckle up and prepare for yet another month of excellent offerings.

Kicking us off on March 1st, we dip into yet another set of documentaries from Paul Joyce highlighting another set of iconic filmakers. This month, Joyce sits down to chat with Dirk Bogarde for Dirk Bogarde: By Myself Parts 1 and 2. This documentary plunges viewers into the decades-long career of Bogarde detailing his life and ascension from Britain's leading man heartthrob to edgy novelist and director. Joyce also shines a light on prolific Japanese filmmaker Nagisi Oshima in Nagisi Oshima: The Man who Left His Soul On Film. This film details the career of the Japanese New Wave director through intimate interviews with people such as Donald Richie and Roger Pulvers and even Oshima himself. You don't want to miss either of these behind the scenes looks at film greats from the marvelous Paul Joyce.
On March 8th, Arrow doubles down on their love for highlighting short films from up and coming talent. They are releasing a quartet of shorts from across several genres, showcasing some of the most exciting emerging talent in filmmaking. These titles include the sci-fi horror of Ciaran Hickey in Terrible Things, the unnerving thriller Keith from Alex Baro-Cayetano, the stalker story The Anatomy Maestro by Drew Maxwell Weiss and the deranged comedy horror Bark from Ryan Irving. All of these short films pack quite the punch and you don't want to miss any of them!
As always, Arrow also comes strapped with a bevy of series to heat up and unthaw viewers from winter. They kick off this month of series on March 1st with End of the Road, a metal screeching need for speed series highlighting the grease monkeys of the world. With titles such as Threshold, Black Test Car, and Fill 'er Up With Super, this action packed series will keep viewers stuck to their seat as the speedometer ticks higher and higher. Chocked full of reckless road trips and crazy car chases, this series is guaranteed to push your pedal to the floor. On March 8th, they transition straight into the world of a higher power with their series Keep the Faith. In this collection, Arrow is highlighting the godly, and unholy, of the world. With exciting titles such as The Righteous, Black Rainbow, and Crimes of Passion, this series will have you on your knees praying for more. This romp full of religious trauma and spiritual messaging is sure to leave you feeling that Sunday morning surge.
On March 15th, Arrow is inviting yet another special guest to make some selections for its audience. From the mind behind some incredible films such as Doghouse, Evil Aliens, and Razor Blade Smile Jake West has been chosen for a special segment Jake West Selects. "Putting together this list of my recommended ARROW favorites has been a bloody delight…. but also presented me with a massive dilemma. I haven’t felt such indecision to pick since the heady and good old ‘nasty’ days of browsing lurid VHS video covers In a proper independent video shop! And now I find myself back in a beautifully arcane store with a superlative horror and cult film section…how the hell do I pick favorites out of a selection this great? So, after hours of browsing the endless treats on offer, I’ve somehow managed to boil it down. So if you also aren’t quite sure what to pick, then here’s my cross-section recommendations of stone-cold classics; video nasty gory mayhem: retro thrills and some bizarre mind-expanding cult delights that range from brutal to hilarious, and classy to trashy. I love ‘em all! So if you’re looking for guidance or just want to take a chance you really can’t go wrong with any of these..." With selections such as The Red Queen Kills 7 Times and Switchblade Sisters, you don't want to miss a peek into the mind of Jake West. On March 15th, Arrow unveils their spring collection of fashion trends, of course in their own demented way. Watch some prolific models and photographers fall victim to some of this seasons fashion killers with titles like Swap Nude for Your Killer and There's Always Vanilla.

Arrow closes us out with two final series, the first of which is dropping on March 22nd and features characters who are truly losing their grip on reality. With impactful titles such as Naked Lunch and Laguna Ave, all of these selections feature the blurring of lines between fiction and the real world. When you can't trust your own mind, where do you turn? They will explore that reality, or lack thereof, in Must Be Losing It. Lastly on March 28th, Arrow brings us a new spin on some old classics. Everyone loves a good old cult classic and wouldn't it be better if they were even more crystal clear to see all that carnage. Arrow is bringing exactly that with their Cult in 4K collection featuring remastered versions of some old classic romps such as Hellraiser, Ringu, and Terrible Things.
It's yet another month of exciting and fresh offerings from Arrow. As we move into the bright and colorful months of pastel spring, make sure you still have the ability to sink deep into the world of the night and enjoy some of these twisted and entertaining tales from Arrow. Arrow offers a 30 day free trial before paying a 4.99 monthly price for all of this quality content!