I recently saw IMAGINARY in a theatre, and some of the previews that played beforehand looked pretty good. I love coming attractions, by the way – you will never catch me visiting the concession stand or restroom while previews are playing on the big screen.
Naturally, I looked up a couple of the trailers on YouTube after I got home, which drew me into the horror movie preview rabbit hole, and that inspired me to write about four different horror movies that I am looking forward to watching in April.
The First Omen (Released in theaters April 5) – The Omen (1976) was one of the horror movies that turned me into a super-fan in my childhood. I spent my summers with my grandparents in those days, and I actually persuaded my grandmother to take me to see The Omen in a theater when I was 12 years old. So, that film is sacred to me.
While I was skeptical at first, the trailer for The First Omen has me intrigued enough to mark it on my calendar. Described as a prequel, its focus is on a young American woman who goes to Rome to begin her “career” as a nun. While there, she discovers a conspiracy to bring about the birth and upbringing of the Antichrist.
Judging by the trailer, the conspiracy involves a young girl in an orphanage who has been hand-picked to give birth to the child. I appreciated the callbacks to the “666” symbol, and looking at the cast list, the characters of Father Brennan and Father Spiletto make a return. This leads me to believe that this prequel is set very shortly before Ambassador Robert Thorn agrees to switch out his stillborn baby for the child who will eventually become Damian.
Sting (Releases in theatres April 12) – I appreciate the irony of naming the main character in this spider-related horror film Charlotte. It’s a shoutout to one of my favorite childhood books, Charlotte’s Web (which of course is about a spider).
Charlotte is a 12-year-old girl who is a bit of a trouble maker. When she finds a spider egg, she puts it in a jar, naming the resulting spider “Sting.” Of course, Charlotte’s pet makes an escape, grows to a very large size, and wreaks bloody havoc in the building the family lives in.
The trailer presents Sting as a somewhat gory, action-packed movie, and it definitely gives a creepy vibe, especially for people with any arachnophobia at all.

Abigail (Releases in theatres April 19) – Somehow, this one slipped under my radar, and I was completely unfamiliar with it when I saw the preview. Wow, does it look good! I loved the action, the violence and the blood, and it looks like it will be a lot of fun.
Described as a “reimagining” of 1936’s Dracula’s Daughter, the reboot involves a group of kidnappers who are well paid to kidnap and hold onto the young daughter of a wealthy man, in anticipation of collecting a huge ransom. Unfortunately for her captors, Abigail is a vampire (as well as a ballerina, which results in some fantastic action sequences).
Infested (streaming on Shudder April 26) – This trailer for this French film is just about guaranteed to have you grimacing and shuddering. Kaleb is a lonely guy who has cut ties with his best friend and also his sister, so when he happens upon a spider, he takes it home with home.
Just as in Sting, the spider breaks free, in this case laying eggs all over the low income apartment building Kaleb lives in. Now the underprivileged residents of the building must fight off the deadly spiders before they themselves are killed.
I don’t remember when the trailer for a horror movie gave me the heebie-jeebies as much as this one does!
There are other horror films hitting streaming and theatres in April, but this is just a short list of the movies I am personally planning to check out ASAP, hope you will watch them too.