Tarot is a great starter horror film for teenagers looking to get their feet wet in the genre. The Sony movie, released on May 3, is now in theaters. It follows a group of friends terrorized by tarot card monsters after one of them performs an astrological reading for each.
It's worth noting that Tarot received a PG-13 rating specifically for horror violence, terror, bloody images, some strong language, and drug content.
Does Tarot have a lot of jump scares? And exactly how gory is it?
Yes, the film does tend toward a slight overreliance on jump scares, I think I counted about 15 throughout the movie. Veteran horror fans likely won't be phased by them since you can see them coming from a mile away, but anyone sensitive to jump scares should be aware they happen frequently.
In terms of gore, this is a PG-13 movie so while many characters suffer gruesome deaths, the bloodiest stuff happens off-screen and is more or less implied. The actual visible bloodshed is kept to a minimum, predominantly with some disparate blood splatters. But you're not going to see the inside of someone's smashed head or anything like that.
Some spoilers ahead for the various deaths:
- Character crushed to death by a ladder
- Another character is hanged by a monster
- Another is terrorized by a creepy jester/clown and stalked into an elevator
- The tarot card monsters are definitely creepy, there are eight different ones throughout the movie
- A woman is stabbed through with six swords, you see her body with the swords sticking out
- One character is trapped in a box and sawed in half (you really don't see anything gory though it's still disturbing)
- Character killed on impact by a train
- A flashback shows a woman slitting her throat in silhouette (you see it in shadow)
- General creepy ambiance and darkness with lots of references to the occult
- A devil-like creature tries dragging one character into Hell

Is there any nudity or sexual content? What about drugs, alcohol, and strong language?
No, there isn't anything of a sexual nature in the film. There are characters who are romantically involved but you don't even see anyone full-on kissing or anything.
One character vapes and the friends are shown drinking beer at the start of the movie while hanging out around a bonfire. They are all college age, so no underage drinking here. As for language, it's very tame, not even the signature one-limit f-bomb in a PG-13 film.
Tarot is now playing in theaters nationwide and will eventually be available to watch on Netflix.
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