Troll 2 clip debuts deadly new weapon: 'A lean, mean troll-killing machine'

The first clip for Netflix's Norwegian monster movie teases enhanced troll weaponry.
Troll 2 | Official Clip | Netflix
Troll 2 | Official Clip | Netflix | Netflix

The Netflix 2022 monster film Troll proved to be a tremendous success for the streaming service, skyrocketing to the top of the streaming charts and cementing its status as one of Netflix's most-viewed non-English language films of all time. Later this year, Netflix will release the sequel. Earlier today, they shared the first new clip from the movie.

In it, we're introduced to some new characters who have been hard at work prepping a deadly new weapon meant to destroy the latest troll ravaging Norway. We get to see a helicopter all decked out with massive UV panels. Two soldiers inform Nora (Ine Marie Wilmann) that this device can fry any troll in the vicinity, making it a "lean, mean troll-killing machine."

The first movie established that trolls are weak to sunlight, so it looks like that will play a significant role in the sequel. Toward the end of the first movie, the characters lured the first troll into a UV trap, so the newest weapon is basically an enhanced version of that. Now, as to whether or not it will be enough to take down the new monstrous troll roaming around, that remains to be seen.

Several characters from the first movie are also returning. Obviously, Nora will be back, along with Kim Falck as political advisor Andreas Isaksen and Mads Pettersen as army major Kristoffer Holm. Newcomers include Sara Khorami and Anne Krigsvoll.

Troll 2 features the same creative team as the first, with director and writer Roar Uthaug and Espen Aukan returning. As mentioned, the sequel follows a new threat as another troll appears. This was teased at the end of the first film with a short scene where audiences could hear another troll roaring to life from deep within the mountains.

To prevent this creature from destroying their home, Nora and her allies must jump into action and do whatever it takes to stop this beast's reign of terror.

The film will be released later this year. Troll is currently streaming on Netflix.