Bruce Campbell: Walker Stalker Con London highlights


Yesterday was the first day of Walker Stalker Con in London. Bruce Campbell was there and as usual, he brought the house down.

“Truth.” – Bruce Campbell on Twitter about Lucille

Topic Du Jour

Bruce Campbell is across the pond burning up the UK doing publicity and appearances to promote his book, Hail to the Chin. Walker Stalker Con is going on in London and Bruce was there “shaking babies and kissing hands.”

In a highly successful panel discussion, Bruce worked the room like the natural showman that he is much to the fans’ delight. Of course, the topic on everyone’s minds is Ash vs Evil Dead. The show is in its third season on the STARZ network.

More from Conventions

As of this report, no decision has been made on the series renewal for a fourth season. Needless to say, this has constant viewers of the splatstick program concerned. Bruce told the fans to pay for STARZ if they want to see more of Ash and the Ghostbeaters in the future. He couldn’t stress that point enough.

Campbell also went on to let fans know that the end of Season 3 was going to “make their jaws drop” and that a “hint of time travel may be involved.”

The Origin of Negan’s Bat

Bruce Campbell is an exceptional raconteur and the type of person who you could listen to for hours on end. One of the reasons he enthralls his fans at conventions is because he always has inside stories on the business of show.

Yesterday was no exception. Much to the audience’s delight, he told them something that he never told anyone prior to the convention. Apparently, he came up with the idea of Negan’s bat Lucille while he was in a car with Greg Nicotero. I wonder if Jeffrey Dean Morgan knows about this?

Here’s a tweet from the king himself, affirming what Fan Fest News is reporting:

Bruce vs Batman

Invariably, whenever a new man in spandex and a mask movie rears its head, someone will throw out Bruce Campbell’s name. It doesn’t matter if he fits the role or not, people just assume that he should be in some epic superhero juggernaut.

When Cable was up for grabs last year, fans everywhere were crossing their fingers hoping for Bruce to play the role. As a joke, he even tweeted a pic of himself as the character.

Bruce Campbell – Cable from Deadpool – Courtesy of Bruce Campbell Twitter

Then there was the whole Mysterio scene where people were convinced it was going to be him based on a rendering that even the actor himself denied but still the rumors persist to this day. Now, courtesy of Walker Stalker, we have Campbell’s views on one caped crusader in particular.

Bruce as Batman? Not going to happen says the actor. According to Hollywood News, he isn’t interested. Why, you might ask? “Seven months not being able to urinate, no thanks!”

Thanks for clearing that up, Bruce. Check out the Twitter post as additional proof below:

The Walker Stalker convention ends today. However, Tuesday March 13, you can catch him at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore where he will be signing copies of his Hail to the Chin. Go to for further information.

Next: AVED: Ray Santiago is coming to Weekend of Hell in Germany!

Have you met Bruce Campbell? What are some of your stories? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. We want to hear from you.