Aliens before Roswell: The 1941 UFO incident at Cape Girardeau

TCM Big Screen Classics Presents 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'..Richard Dreyfuss stars as cable worker Roy Neary, who along with several other stunned bystanders experience a close encounter of the first kind - witnessing UFOs soaring across the sky. After this life-changing event, the inexplicable vision of a strange, mountain-like formation haunts him.. Image Courtesy Fathom Events and Turner Classic Movies
TCM Big Screen Classics Presents 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'..Richard Dreyfuss stars as cable worker Roy Neary, who along with several other stunned bystanders experience a close encounter of the first kind - witnessing UFOs soaring across the sky. After this life-changing event, the inexplicable vision of a strange, mountain-like formation haunts him.. Image Courtesy Fathom Events and Turner Classic Movies

The most famous UFO incident in the U.S. took place in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. However, did you know about the 1941 crash in Cape Girardeau, Missouri?

UFO sightings came into our collective consciousness in the U.S. starting in 1947 with the famous incident in Roswell, New Mexico. Everyone knows that story. At first, the Air Force reported that a flying saucer had crashed on rancher Mac Brazel’s property.

Soon afterward, they recanted and suddenly, the weather balloon response was born. Years later, it was reported that the debris found in Lincoln County was actually from the top-secret project, “Mogul,” which was armed with recording equipment so that we could detect when Russia was performing nuclear tests.

Because of all of the national attention, this is why most people believe that Roswell was ground zero for the UFO frenzy that took over the country during the 40’s and 50’s. However, that isn’t entirely the case. In 1941, in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, another event occurred.

According to, the saga began when Reverend William Huffman was asked to pray over victims in a crash. Thinking nothing of this request because he had done last rites many times in the past, he set out for the location.

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When he arrived, there were all sorts of emergency personnel there from firemen to policemen and the FBI. Making his way through the chaotic scene, he was struck by the sight of a strange craft. It was like nothing he had ever seen before.

Inside the disc shaped object, he noticed weird lettering which in Huffman’s mind was similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics. However, the chilling part was when he saw the bodies that he was to pray over.

They definitely looked alien in origin with huge heads, big almond shaped eyes, slits for their mouths, ears and no hair whatsoever on their bodies. Horrified, he quickly performed his duty and then was accosted by military personnel and told to keep quiet.

Reverend Huffman was so disturbed by what he encountered that fateful night that he shared his recollections with his wife and sons. The secret remained within the family until his granddaughter Charlotte learned the truth from her grandmother who was on her deathbed.

There was more than the UFO story. Charlotte found out that her grandfather had photographic evidence of the alien creatures. Apparently, the image that Charlotte possessed showed a deceased extraterrestrial being propped up between two men who are posing for the camera. To see the photograph, click on this link.

Did you know about the 1941 UFO crash at Cape Girardeau, Missouri? Let us know in the comments.