Tell Me a Story’s sophomore season was a wild ride from start to finish. Here’s how each fairy tale ended in the season finale!
In usual Tell Me a Story fashion, this season tossed wrecking ball after wrecking ball at all of the characters involved. Lies were told, enemies were made, and people were killed. Once the body count starting racking up, Tell Me a Story refused to let up. I’m beyond pleased with all of the drama and plot twists that this season threw at us. We finally made it to the conclusion, so let’s see how our fairy tales ended.
Sleeping Beauty: Did anyone make it out alive?
When Tell Me a Story started this season, the audience was made to believe that Olivia was the Sleeping Beauty in this fairy tale. However, mid-season arrived, and the tables were officially turned. Oliva broke free from Tucker’s grasp and took on the villain role.
Last week, Tucker and Maddie were both captured in the dungeon that once held Olivia. This week, the battle continues, and wow, it was intense. Maddie seemed to have the upper hand; when Olivia returned, after shooting the detective that was searching for answers about Brenden’s disappearance, Maddie hits her with the sedative. She then followed this move up by doing the same to Tucker.
While everyone is asleep, Maddie attempts to break through the window. Unfortunately, she’s not quick enough, and both Olivia and Tucker wake up during her escape mission. This is when Olivia decides to set the house ablaze. Eventually, Maddie makes it through the window, but only to find Olivia on the outside waiting for her.
Olivia tells Maddie that she’s going to finish it where everything started, where Anna drowned. This leads to an epic underwater battle between the two, and eventually between Tucker and Olivia. Afterward, Maddie manages to pull Tucker out, and it appears that Olivia has drowned. But, as usual with Tell Me a Story, not everything is as it seems.
At the hospital, we learn that Tucker is in a vegetative state and will most likely never wake up. Meaning, he will forever be trapped in a chain of nightmares about his dead sister. Maddie spots a bouquet with a note attached that reads, “Sweet dreams.” She inquires where they came from, and she’s informed that someone named Anna dropped them off.

Cinderella: Did Simone get her happily ever after?
At the beginning of this season, we are introduced to our Cinderella, Simone, who’s returned home for her father’s funeral. As we can expect in a Cinderella story, Simone doesn’t get along with her step-family. Throughout the last few episodes, a mystery is set up as to who’s behind Frank, Cora, and Clay Callaway’s murder.
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Last week, we were thrown a curveball in discovering that the person behind the murders is none other than Derek, the step-brother who seemed to want to help Simone genuinely. After a confrontation with his brother, Ron, Derek ends up shooting him as well.
This week, we picked up on Derek burying Ron’s body and talking to Simone on the phone.
At some point in the conversation, Derek slips up by mentioning that Simone found evidence in the air vent, something she didn’t tell him. This leads Simone to Jackson’s apartment, where she says that she believes Derek killed her father. Once she leaves, Derek arrives at Jackson’s door and knocks Prince Charming out.
Simone decides it’s time to talk to Veronica; however, Veronica doesn’t believe that Derek would harm anyone and threatens Simone that if she ever sees her again, it’s her that she’s going to have to worry about. Simone is then face-timed by Derek, who shows her that he has tied up Jackson.
In a twist of events, Veronica shows up at the distillery and calls the police on her son. She then agrees to sign the company over to Simone, because that is what her father would have wanted. Simone is finally given a new start, and she and her Prince Charming can live happily ever after.
Beauty & the Beast: Does Ashley Rose survive the attack?
Right off the bat, we’re introduced to Ashley Rose on the day of her car-bombing attack. Throughout the season, we’re given a couple of suspects: from an obsessed fan to a hit-man. Both suspects met their demise, and it’s not until recently that we learned the person behind the attack is someone named Taylor Conroy.
This week, Ashley Rose is preparing for her return concert, and things seem to be going according to plan for our country musician. Her mother gifted her with her father’s guitar, and Beau encouraged her to take off the mask. But, of course, we all know that this happy moment wouldn’t last.
While Ashley Rose is on stage, Beau spots Taylor in the audience. Frantically, he alerts Jeff to get Ashley Rose off the stage, right before getting tased by Taylor. Unfortunately, Ashley Rose doesn’t get far before Taylor shoots Jeff and takes both Ashley and her mother. Let’s be momentarily thankful that Ashley Rose thought to drop a rose, giving Beau a trail to follow.
The confrontation between Taylor and the Pruitts finally gives us insight as to why Taylor is so anti-Ashley Rose. We discover that Ashley’s father had an affair with Donna and that Rebecca paid the Conroys off. Taylor then tells Ashley that she grew up with the life Taylor believed she should have had.
While Ashley attempts to talk Taylor out of it, letting her know they can still try a relationship as sisters, Beau arrives and shoots Taylor. However, Beau also gets shot, leading us into emotional distress. But, before we become too much of a sobbing mess, we discover that Beau survived, and our Beauty and the Beast can live happily ever after.
Did you catch the Tell Me a Story’s season finale on CBS All Access? Share your thoughts in the comments!