Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell: Japan’s campy answer to Evil Dead is on Tubi

Want to see more Evil Dead-like horror, but want to see the Japanese version? You're in luck! Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell is probably right for you!
Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell - Official Trailer
Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell - Official Trailer | Shudder

Available for free on Tubi, Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell, also known as Jigoku no chimidoro Muscle Builder in Japanese, is a low-budget horror-comedy film originally released in 1995, and later in 2012. It is a Japanese independent film directed by Shinichi Fukazawa. Sometimes considered "The Japanese Evil Dead," the film indeed pays homage to the horror genre, and yes, particularly the works of Sam Raimi, who directed the Evil Dead series. It stars Shinichi Fukazawa as the Ashley "Ash" Williams-style character. Much like Ash, he goes through a series of bizarre and tragic events.

Called a "must-see" horror film for Evil Dead fans, this is equally as over-the-top. Of course, it has some sensibilities that may seem more strictly Japanese in style, which helps it seem like less of a knock-off. Still, this is one of those instances where the line is thin between an "homage" and a rip-off...yet this movie is still fun anyway!

The film is known for its campy and over-the-top style, combining elements of horror, comedy, and splatter (Re-Animator might also come to mind). It's storyline that involves a possessing force which kills people, then returns them from the dead to wreak havoc in a remote countryside cottage. The film's plot is quite straightforward and centers around the supernatural resurrection of a deceased bodybuilder named Kazuo. This similarity to the Sam Raimi films will probably either be valued greatly or despised. Either way, the lesson is clear: Never take a group of friends to visit some old cottage inhabited by a demonic, human-possessing force!

Chaos and gory antics ensue as the possessed go on a rampage, terrorizing others in the group. Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell embraces its low-budget production values and intentionally incorporates cheesy special effects and exaggerated acting for comedic effect. It's worth noting that the film is not meant to be taken seriously and is more of a cult B-movie, catering to fans of campy horror and dark humor. The movie gained a small following due to its unique blend of horror and comedy, reminiscent of cult classics like Evil Dead.

The final verdict on Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell

It's the type of film that appeals to viewers who enjoy unconventional and offbeat cinema experiences, sort of like 2-Headed Shark Attack. Few, if any, Evil Dead fans will be hostile to this one, and may even see it as a natural outgrowth of that franchise, enough to add it to their collection. As for the humor, keep in mind that even the more recent, "serious" Evil Dead films tend to have humorous elements.

Obviously, Ellie (Alyssa Sutherland) from Evil Dead Rise telling her family, “I’m free from all you t*tty-sucking parasites,” involves a bit of dark humor. Plus, how many people would call any Evil Dead-like film "artsy-fartsy"?

Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell also stars Masaaki Kai and Masahiro Kai. It is also available on some paid subscription services like AMC+, Philo, Midnight Pulp, and Shudder.