‘Fear the Walking Dead’ Continues Coasting with ‘Ouroboros’

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Fear the Walking Dead aired its third episode of Season 2, Ouroboros, which revealed what happened to the passengers of Flight 462. Was the episode better or worse than last week, or were things pretty much the same?

Fear the Walking Dead – AMC

Fear the Walking Dead is the zombie franchise’s little engine that could.

I’m rooting for the spin-off series. I really am. I love the idea of having another Walking Dead show to cure those yearly walker withdrawals I’ve been having every summer since the show first premiered. But the show hasn’t engaged audiences as much as AMC had been hoping for, resulting in many fans leaving the show in droves.

But right when I was thinking of calling it quits for Fear, I was pleasantly surprised by last week’s episode at the lighthouse. While some critics still walked away unsatisfied, I thought there was something very interesting about exploring these unique locations in the Walking Dead universe that we’d never seen in the main series. Some of the characters were exhibiting signs of becoming more interesting as well, so I saw just enough brilliance to realize how much potential the show really has.

Episode 203, “Ouroboros”, kept the show coasting along at the same speed as the previous episode, more or less. When a ship malfunction strands the boat near another island, the survivors notice an array of supplies available for the taking, thanks to a plane crash.

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It is the same plane from Flight 462, a 16-part miniseries that had been presented to viewers during The Walking Dead commercial breaks; the opening scene before the title screen revealed that Alex and Jake both survived the plane crash, although Jake is badly injured.

While Travis tends to fixing the boat, Daniel, Nick, Chris, and Alicia use the lifeboat to travel to the island for supplies. Before leaving, however, Daniel told Madison about Strand’s secret plans to take the group to Mexico, and suggests she confront him about it.

Later, Madison does just that, and it was nice to see someone besides Daniel confronting this guy who clearly has something to hide. When pressed, Strand claimed they were heading for a fortified safehouse in Baja.

Underwater, Travis takes a dive to tend to the underside of the boat and nearly gets bitten when he discovers a walker lodged underneath. Fortunately, he had the strength to lodge a knife several inches deep in the zombie’s brain, sending it floating to the surface. After Travis later removes an undead hand from the filtration system, the Abigail is all set to hit the waves again.

Read on to page 2 to find out what happened on the island…

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