
Santa Clarita Diet: Hungry for more California cannibals on Netflix

Theresa Jacobs

Film Review: Feral — A new review on an old scheme

Z Nation: Top 10 most outrageous moments from the series

The Return of the Living Dead: Subverting archetypes takes brains

Celebrate 14 years of Shaun of the Dead with top 5 best moments

Devin Shea

Why fans are walking away from The Walking Dead?

Devin Shea

Z Nation revisits the undead, matrimony, and faith

Theresa Jacobs

31 Days of Halloween: It’s Party Time with ‘Return of the Living Dead’ (1985)

Aaron Posey

Interview: Z Nation co-creator Karl Schaefer talks zombies and Season 4

Theresa Jacobs

Z Nation Flashback: Lucy grows up so fast in Season 3

Theresa Jacobs