Kelly McNeely

Kelly McNeely

Kelly McNeely lives in Canada with her big, poofy dog, Molly, and a large collection of horror movies, which she is a little obsessed with. You can find her writing online or follow her on Instagram and Twitter @kellsmcnells

Preacher Feature: Season 2, Episode 13 — ‘The End of the Road’

Kelly McNeely

Preacher Feature: Season 2, Episode 12 – ‘On Your Knees’

Kelly McNeely

Preacher Feature: Season Two, Episode Eleven – ‘Backdoors’

Kelly McNeely

Preacher Feature: Season Two, Episode Ten – ‘Dirty Little Secret’

Kelly McNeely

Preacher Feature: Season Two, Episode Nine – ‘Puzzle Piece’

Kelly McNeely

Terror Down Under: Top 8 Horror Films to Come From Australia

Kelly McNeely

Preacher Feature: Season Two, Episode Eight – ‘Holes’

Kelly McNeely

5 Horror Movie Dogs That Stole the Scene (And Our Hearts!)

Kelly McNeely

Preacher Feature: Season Two, Episode Seven – “Pig”

Kelly McNeely

Preacher Feature: Season Two, Episode Six – ‘Sokosha’

Kelly McNeely

Preacher Feature: Season Two, Episode Five – ‘Dallas’

Kelly McNeely

Preacher Feature: On the Road Again – Season Two, Episodes 1-4

Kelly McNeely

8 Werewolf Transformations That Will Make You Howl

Kelly McNeely

Alone and Afraid: Horror Movies That Prove Solitude is Scary as Hell

Kelly McNeely